Normal women of childbearing age to 1 month period, starting from this to the next menstrual cramps menstrual cramps on day 1, called a menstrual cycle. If from the contraception considerations, can be divided into the women's monthly menstrual period menstrual cycle, ovulation and rhythm.
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Women's ovulation date before the next menstrual cramps usually 14 days. Discharge eggs from the ovaries survive after 1-2 days in the fallopian tube to wait for fertilization; man's sperm in the woman's reproductive tract can be maintained within the fertilization ability of 2-3 days, it is excreted in the egg before and after sexual intercourse easy to conceive a few days. For insurance purposes, we will be 5 days before ovulation, after 4 days, with a total of 10 days, including ovulation, known as ovulation. Because sexual intercourse during ovulation easy to conceive, so ovulation, also known as vulnerable to pregnancy or dangerous period.
Rhythm is divided into before ovulation and after ovulation rhythm. Clean day from menstruation to ovulation the day before the start date for that period before ovulation. From ovulation to the first day after the end of the day before the next menstrual cramps after ovulation rhythm. After ovulation rhythm more secure than before ovulation. This is because some women are sometimes affected by environmental changes and mood swings, etc. in advance of the ovulation, so that will shorten before ovulation, but did not know their own, so before ovulation is not much safer. Ovarian cycle in a month after the egg has the opportunity to row the two is minimal, that is, menstrual cramps after ovulation until the next ordinary period of time before the second ovulation does not happen again, so after ovulation rhythm that much.
Ovulation, generally no special feeling, even though some women may have lower abdominal pain, backache, swollen breasts and mood changes and other symptoms, but these phenomena are not unique when the symptoms of ovulation, it can not serve as the basis for ovulation. Menstruation and ovulation, cyclical changes, have a close relationship between the two, if the master between the changes in the law can, through indirect methods to determine ovulation date. Many ways to determine the date of ovulation, and women are able to master the methods of their own: according to the menstrual cycle, projections, measurement of basal body temperature and observing cervical mucus secretion.