British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) a file named "one week to make you smarter," the television program, the production team of 15 volunteers had a "brain training" test. Now to tell you the specific training methods.
Monday: dinner to eat fish; riding a bike or walk to work, instead of bus.
Tuesday: pick from the dictionary unfamiliar words used in conversation with others.
Wednesday: practice yoga, Pilates or join a meditation class; chat with people who do not know.
Thursday: take a different route to work; doing the "Riddles."
Friday: do not drink coffee or alcohol; recite a shopping list.
Saturday: usually not used with the hand brush; eyes closed bath.
Sunday: doing crossword puzzles; to a brisk walk outdoors. Final said: "More and more evidence that memory through training, increase the sense of space and do some things against normal and reasonable arrangements for diet, can improve brain function, it is smarter."