2008Years12Mid-May, the leading group of Chinese food special rectification released the first batch of "illegal food may add non-food substances varieties of food additives and easy to abuse the list," including17Kinds of non-food substances: Sulfoxylate, Sudan, Wang golden yellow blocks, protein powder melamine, boric acid and borax, sodium thiocyanate, rose B, art green, yellow alkaline, acidic orange, industrial formaldehyde, industrial caustic soda, carbon monoxide, sodium sulfide, industrial sulfur, industrial dyes, poppy capsules. Xinhua released the names by which three imprecise, "the king golden yellow blocks" should be king of the golden (yellow blocks); "protein powder melamine" protein powder should be the (melamine).
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This17Substances, involving most types of food, the danger is the most widely formaldehyde (HCHO) And Sulfoxylate. Sulfoxylate byNaHSO2AndHCHOUnder certain conditions, prepared by the reaction, and its role in the food and the people on the toxic and formaldehyde similar. The non-food substances released clearly states that "industrial use of formaldehyde", may be typo. Present in any food is illegal to add formaldehyde (only refreshing type of beer is the exception), both for industrial use of formaldehyde, medical or food with formaldehyde formaldehyde (used in beer production).
Formaldehyde has a strong anti-bacterial preservative and bleaching (reduction) effect.30 ~ 40%Aqueous solution of formaldehyde preservative is commonly used disinfectant solution (formalin). Trace amounts of formaldehyde (20mg / L) Can effectively control bacterial growth. Formaldehyde can denature the proteins and protein organization and to maintain the water swelling.
Formaldehyde is used in many countries has been the wine, meat, dairy and other food preservation, and later discovered the dangers of formaldehyde on human health, began to limit the application of formaldehyde in food. There have been continuous in Japan20Days of ingestion of milk containing one ten thousandth of formaldehyde causes of infant mortality after the event. There is research evidence that formaldehyde can cause leukemia and other kinds of cancer. Found that formaldehyde on Drosophila and microorganisms mutagenicity. International Cancer Research Association and the American public health authorities have beenWillClassified formaldehyde as carcinogenic category.
In recent years, inspection departments all over the country have detected excessive levels of formaldehyde containing Sulfoxylate food and a very wide variety of food products, generally summarized as follows.
1. Aquatic Products: Squid, cuttlefish, oysters,Clams,Octopus, whitebait, Luorou, shrimps and prawns.
2. Water-fat foods: Such as cattle blinds, tendons, tripe, Ji Chang, Duck and so on.
3. Low-quality meat: Such as meat, poultry blood products, chicken feet, duck feet and so on.
4. Dry products:Abalone, sea cucumber, shark fin,Fans, bamboo shoots, dried mushroom, dried meat, dried fish
5. Soy products: yuba,BeansBean curd, dried bean curd
6. A variety of flour products: Such as noodles, bread
7. Excessive levels of formaldehyde have been reported there are snack food categories (such as moon cake); of alcoholic beverages; dairy products;Pickles and so on. According to Jiang long term analysis of microwave, the food may contain formaldehydeAnd only limited to these species.
Although once detectedHigh levels of formaldehyde, many different types of food so that people keep track of. However, the behavior of the abuse of formaldehyde, the main products in the water made more prominent. The reason for repeated violations, both to corrosion, the other is to increase food weight. The water made with formaldehyde products such as squid, but will allow double the weight of more profitable.
Because formaldehyde preparation process is simple, inexpensive, easily available, in food processing, storage, transportation, wholesale, retail and other areas may be artificially added formaldehyde. If you want to strictly control the formaldehyde problem, may need millions of real-time monitoring of shops stalls. Now, some major markets will send formaldehyde and water as aquatic products, routine monitoring of indicators at all levels of formaldehyde as a monitoring body will also focus on monitoring indicators. However, no agency can guarantee each product, the formaldehyde content of each batch monitoring, Difficult to achieve the complete elimination of food with higher levels of formaldehyde were removed in the city. Bureau of Fishery and Forestry Department, city officials that "unscrupulous traders are keeping the fish in extremely difficult or water-fat food has become the unspoken rules of formaldehyde added, is the norm."
The last two yearsInstitutions in Hong Kong taken from the market, "rice fish" samples for testing, have repeatedly found "Formaldehyde" sub-standard problems.2007Years3An inspection in January, has found that Liu Cheng's "rice fish" sample formaldehyde.
People must learn to distinguish the symptoms of formaldehyde damage to the greatest extent possible from the dangers of formaldehyde food.
As mentioned earlier, it is difficult to completely eliminate foods with higher levels of formaldehyde were removed in the city. Even one-thousandth, ten thousandth of the food there is abuse of formaldehyde problem, unfortunately, for people who experience this food is100%Hazards. Consumers need to learn to identify adverse effects caused by formaldehyde food in order to avoid foodborne maximum damage of formaldehyde.
Foodborne and environmental sources of formaldehyde formaldehyde poisoning symptoms vary.
Formaldehyde in the environment of human harm, first in people's eyes, nose and throat area, the reaction such as swelling and pain symptoms including cough and nasal mucosal injury. Serious moment cause vomiting, breathing difficulties and other issues.
Under normal circumstances, unless the formaldehyde content is too high, it is difficult to distinguish by the senses the presence of formaldehyde in food. But it is the body's adverse reaction according to the symptoms, whether inferred poisoned by formaldehyde. The formaldehyde content in food is high, people can quickly appear upset stomach, vomiting and other symptoms. But in most cases, the formaldehyde content in food is relatively low, generally not the mouth and digestive tract tissue of a direct injury symptoms. Chronic headache is a typical food-borne formaldehyde poisoning symptoms. Head pain (brain, cerebellum, and cervical spine) symptoms often occur in the food intake of formaldehyde1-2Hours later, sometimes last hours or even ten hours. Such people are often mistaken for symptoms of a cold, stiff neck, cold and other diseases. Drinkers are often identified as formaldehyde, headaches caused by excessive drinking or "allergic to alcohol."
Whether or not to take drugs, as long as no further intake of food containing formaldehyde, poisoning symptoms usually in the1-2Days of spontaneous regression. Bo Jiang suggested that the above-mentioned people such as diseases, through the recent24Hours retrospectively analyzed the diet and can probably determine whether the food poisoning suffered formaldehyde. If you eat the same food again, and a similar disease can be sure that the food problem.
Due to physiological differences in metabolism, as "differences in sensitivity to ethanol," just like people very different sensitivity to formaldehyde. In addition, there are many factors that may affect people's tolerance to formaldehyde.
Formaldehyde poisoning is not currently understand the reaction of human sensitivity and whether the relationship between cancer susceptibility. Formaldehyde-sensitive people, if you have knowledge and awareness of prevention can actually less chance of food intake of formaldehyde, formaldehyde and thus would be better to avoid damage.