
Secret: 5 secrets of the human brain?

Human brain weighs only 3 pounds (1.4 kg), but this is only 3 pounds inside, there are numerous secrets. Until recently, scientists are still not able to accurately study the brain of the equipment. With the emergence of brain imaging technology, scientists were able to get the brain may be more knowledge.

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Although we know much of the brain, but that does not means we can not guess, it does not mean the we're not interested. In this paper, we count the human brain, the mystery of the five known, and shared with them.

First, why do we need sleep

Every night we have to spend a lot of time to sleep on, and we do not know why. Scientists already know that if we can not get enough sleep is harmful, and that sleep may be a product of human evolution. But on the other it is almost unknown.

Currently, there are some theories about sleep. One theory is that restorative sleep is the body's rest. But if the goal of rest is sleep, why sleep, our brains still work? Perhaps, during sleep, our brains are still thinking about some of the real solution to the problem. Some studies have shown that, without sleep to the knowledge intensive, learning behavior will not proceed.

Research on sleep may be of great help to students. A researcher claims that if students have learned before sleep were reviewed, then the learning efficiency will be greatly improved. Now some schools have been the first rung of the time, so students have more time to rest.

In 1951, the sleep state is the first time, people become as "the brain in the New World." Although scientists have tried many methods trying to study it, but have not yet succeeded. The same as sleep, dreams may be a way to rest the brain. Or, life is only a dream, just as "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" song taught us the same. Sleep, you can still have a lot of sensory stimulation, the brain also is working. In the awake state, you will have more sensory stimulation, but the brain may be doing the same work and sleep. If this is the case, then life really is a waking dream.

Second, the formation mechanism of memory, how will be lost?

In 2004, in the film "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", the Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet's role on the success of their memories of each other to eliminate from the brain. Film using a variety of memory effects to explain to people how decomposition and elimination. When Jim Carrey suddenly do not want to eliminate these memories, these memories of their choice will be hidden in unrelated memory.

Unfortunately, in reality, not only Jim Carrey did not know the mechanism of memory formation and disappearance, and even scientists have a clue. Memory divided into many: we are slowly killing the some of the memory, from how to make pies like his grandfather how to solve algebraic equations, and other memories are slowly forgotten by us. However, the brain will choose to keep what memory? These memories are stored in the brain where? Why can not we back our forgotten memories?

Scientists have been able to accurately determine the specific memory storage location. Scientists also have made it clear the storage memory in neurons and synapses is how it works, but they still can not figure out how to eliminate some of the specific memory. September 2008, scientists have found another clue about the memory. In the study, researchers found that, in the memories of the neuron is activated, its activities and the time is exactly the same thing happened. That is, when we remember something, our brain will be totally immersive.

But we do not have personal experience of those things? Memories sometimes deceive the brain. For example, in July 7, 2005, a series of bombings in London. In the interview that followed, forty percent of people have false memories, because they saw on television screen to see the explosion, so their formation of false memories. If our memory is not reliable, then we use the memory of what? According to the ancient thinkers, Aristotle's view, perhaps we really only the memory used to predict the future.

Third, the genetic and environmental influence on children

Twins is a great human miracle for us to study human they provide important clues. We have studied this phenomenon for the relationship between personality and genes of great help. Twins because identical twins have the same genes, neurologists can be a very good understanding of genes and environment on the people. Currently, neuroscientists are studying identical twins have the same gene on the ability to study the scope to cover mathematical reasoning ability in all aspects of cancer, with identical twins as study neurologist provides a wealth of resources.

When the difference between identical twins occur when the twins, neurologists can study human genes and the environment influenced. In the 70's, 80's and 90's, a child psychiatrist Peter - Neubauer and Viola Bernard, a child psychologist in New York in a twins and triplets adoption agencies conducted an experiment. Tamen Jiang these children be placed in different adoptive families and to inform the adoptive parents is an ongoing study that needs to carry out interviews and regular evaluation of the child, and everyone can tell the children they are twins or triplets. They use the research to compare the genetic and environmental effects on people. However, because New York State Government announced in 1981, when a child in adoption, brothers and sisters, and must be adopted by the same family, Neubauer taking into account that people might not accept his research methods, research results will be sealed at Yale University, so Until 2066, the results we can know.

"Twin Strangers" of Bernstein and Schein in this experiment is a pair of twins. In 1968 they adopted by different families, the two never met, but also worked in the high school newspaper editor, studied film in college to write for the industry, with a surprisingly similar fate. They live apart for 35 years, only to find each other turned out to be identical twins. Bernstein and Schein writes: It is undeniable, Gene has a great influence on people, we have many similarities, we used the same finger sucking, and we even the same profession in the university and so on. However, we have to say, everyone has their own life.

Fourth, how the brain produces consciousness

Brain and mind is not the same thing? Spirit exists in the brain as well? Is not the spirit allows us to have a unique idea? Even scientists are not sure these problems. On the sense of a lot of research scientists, but always nothing.

For a long time, that consciousness of people is a very long way off. However, you learn how objective knowledge? Why different things have different views? These problems have been plaguing scientists. Now, in the relentless pursuit of scientists, they try to figure out how the formation of consciousness in the end.

Awareness of the problem of metaphysics to the large areas of research scientists. Using brain imaging technology, scientists can clearly see the different parts of the brain, or even, we can use surgical and chemical tablets to change people's consciousness. Scientists have found that the formation of consciousness of the material vary, they generally will be scattered in all parts of the brain. But awareness of the steps in the formation of neurons, scientists still can not figure out.

Scientists are also trying to find a sense of the difference between behavior and unconscious behavior. Breathing, heartbeat and other certain acts, we do not pay attention, but they have been going. We always try to make their own decisions, but scientists are the latest results show that this is simply not needed. Researchers used brain scanners in people before a decision can accurately predict their decisions. Perhaps, our consciousness is only an illusion.

There are too many mysteries about the brain, and we fully solve these problems? I can not jump to judge, but I hope that with the scientific progress and improvements in experimental equipment, we can understand our brain.

