
5 face reveals unhealthy sleep habits

Face 1: face muddy spots on his face Jingxian

Can not sleep at night will cause the skin smooth metabolism, the old dead skin cells accumulate on the surface of the skin, natural skin not shiny. After long-term stay up all night, others find themselves cheekbones, the current spot there! The skin metabolism slows down during the day and the accumulation of pigmentation can not be discharged. Moreover, computer radiation, excessive light can also cause pigment formation.
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Strategy 1: scrub, then massage

Then, after the morning wash your face, exfoliate, skin becomes clean. After use with facial massage cream, massage and active ingredient through the help wake up the skin, so dark complexion becomes bright again.

Strategy 2: the evening but also with the sun

If you often work overtime at night will stay long at the computer, or a strong light in their environment, "less sleep school" beauty must be added or physical sunscreen with the isolation to protect their own skin, must not be omitted.

  Face 2: The black eye "less sleep school" signs

Hardly a "less sleep school" to avoid the "panda eyes" of the problem, because of lack of sleep is the culprit black eye, a direct result of the blood veins of the eye deposition, showing gray.

Strategy 1: The proper use of the Mask

Gel, cream category are generally used for Eye Mask, could also be applied at bedtime Cadogan amount deposited some of the night. Texture and rich, nutritionally adequate Eye Mask is often used before.

Strategy 2: eye massage to do simple operations

The most simple and effective set of eye massage exercise: four fingers rub, pressing the entire eyelid, from the inside corner by to the temple, the temple and then press the middle finger; each press must be heavily pressed, and then gently lift.

  Face 3: easy to change buns face edema oval face

Night owl body metabolism will slow down, the body of waste and water can easily accumulate. If the night to eat or drink too much salt, edema is difficult to escape the "nightmare."

Strategy 1: booster pillow when sleeping

After waking up for the "buns face", big S has been 狠招 branch, one for black coffee and wake up immediately; two for the face immersed in water filled with ice. Actually, the most simple trick is: sleep booster pillow, avoid water accumulation on the face or eye.

Strategy 2: After getting up to do lymphatic massage

If you woke up this morning, or swelling, it is to use massage to help. Orbital position before going to bed with the ring finger massage helps lymphatic circulation. Stirred by the morning of bamboo brow, eye between Seimei, the hollow end of eye pupil and commitment place to breath by the suction release manner. For the face, the cheek pressed fingertips with the breath, the direction from the earlobe to the nose and cheek bone side next to, the same breath by the suction release, very simple but effective.

  Face 4: hard to face, such as the Sahara Desert on the makeup

Did people get through the night, the collapse of the cheeks, loose powder did not dare to use. In the face of the floating-looking finish, even the best foundation wait, tired face is not "eat" makeup.

Strategy 1: start from the face moisturizer

Wash in warm water with colder the best, so let the grease had been due to lack of reservations. Basic skin care to be everywhere in the morning with "moisture" is heavy, but also select the moisturizing liquid foundation. If the cheek and right now is really dry, mask, eye mask is the best first aid measures, one can immediately enhance the water level.

Strategy 2: 1:1 mixture of latex and foundation

Professional makeup artist teaches us to deal with "card powder" in a move: the ratio of 1:1 mixture of the emulsion and the foundation, so that the humidity enough looking finish. First with a damp foundation brush foundation brush on large areas paste, and then open your fingers.

  Face 5: mad T zone oil into a large oil field

"The morning burn the midnight oil drip oil splashed his face." In fact, dry and oil as the root cause, come from staying up late due to moisture loss.

Strategy 1: before going to bed to be cleaned again

If you stay up late when the oil is very serious, I suggest you have to be cleaned again before going to bed, do it again based maintenance. Secretion of oil is too strong will plug the pores, the formation of nasty blackheads and acne.

Strategy 2: Water, water is the key lock

Fundamental trick is to pay. Apply moisturizing mask is the best option, pay, lock water cream plus a timely manner.

