Waist exercises
1. Lying in bed, legs close together, knees bent, but not two feet from the ground, his hands behind.
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2. Use of abdominal muscles lift the upper body, the direction of twist to the left leg.
3. Back to the starting position, upper body attached to the legs.
4. Back to step 1, raised his upper body, turned to his right leg direction.
5. Back to the starting position, according to the left, middle and right in order to repeat the set of action 25 times.
If you have a pain in the arm and neck, indicating that your action is incorrect. Remember, we use the abdominal muscles and raise the body. In addition, when you lie down, the shoulders do not touch the ground, or would not achieve the role of the exercise waist.
Shoulder exercises
1. Erect, feet slightly wider apart at the hips, knees slightly. Eyes straight ahead, back straight. Both hands to hold a two-pound ball or other heavy objects, etc., on your hips.
2. The right hand holding the ball, arms straight on the move, pass the ball in the head at the left hand.
3. Arms drop back to the buttocks, to start passing up and down movements. Action look like arms turning windmill.
4. Repeat pass action 20 times. Action should be slow, do not rely on momentum to movement.
Do not rely on activities to pass the wrist, arm, back, neck should be straight, so they will automatically pass rather than bowls.
Leg exercises
1. Against the wall to sit down, back straight, feet affixed. Holding a weight 16 pounds on the thighs fitness bar, about three inches from the knee.
2. Heel lift up from the bed, while his hands under the pressure of health bar.
3. Repeat the set of action 25 times.
Thigh exercises
1. Erect, feet hip width apart. Right knee bent, upper body is bent, fingers fingertip hold on the ground. Left leg straight, move back 12 inches, left toes outward.
2. Try to lift up his left leg, at the top for 5 seconds, then down his left leg, right leg do the same. The set of actions to do 25 times.
Valgus toe must be as much as possible, do not twist the hips, so as to maximize the elimination of thigh fat.