Family cycle round the world-from Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) _ has Research Park
Family cycle round the world-from Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) Russia photo album (225) starting from Novosibirsk to frontier Syria Editor's Note: this is Russia website recently very fire, a series of posts from China a Russia family driving a Toyota HOAH4WD from Novosibirsk to South Africa Cape Town car tour experience. In view of the section is divided into several ôìûóé according to a post, there is also diversity, for your translation. A rich and leisure of Russia's Alexander · glazkov (Alexander Glazkov) very enjoy driving tour, the past decade he has been driving travel the world in many countries. 2009 February day, while Alexander sitting at home in Russia-sauna rooms all dull in idle, one almost crazy ideas from the brain. He thought I had already almost everything I want, money, housing, car and leisure, travel, why not driving with his family to travel around the world? almost the idea emerged of blink, he made the bold decision. He has a Toyota Noah4WD, 8 seater multi-purpose vehicle (MPV), to this end, he sought the advice of the family, who would go with him on a long. The result is not what he expected, a family: his wife, son and two daughters, hair pin's son-in-law and daughter-in-law are contending to attend. I count just seven. Finalized after, this is their worldwide travel is the first step, starting from Novosibirsk via Central Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, Central Africa and finally to the Cape Town South Africa. - From Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/> we plan to proceed from Novosibirsk, crossed the Black Sea to Turkey, Turkey in the middle of how fine-Kapa (Cappadocia), Syria Knights Castle (Krakdes Chiers), Damascus (Damascus), Beirut Lebanon (Beirut), Baalbek (Baalbok), dead sea (DeadSea), Jordan-Petra (Petra), the Red Sea (RedSea), Egypt's pyramids (Pyramids), Luxor (Luxor), Sudan (Sudan), Ethiopia (Ethiopia), Kenya (Kenya) of wildlife, Tanzania (Tanzania), Mozambique (Mozambique) and, of course, the way of some small countries like Lesotho (Lesotho), Malawi (Malawi), Swaziland (Swaziland), Cape Town, South Africa's Cape of good hope then to (Capeof GoodHope) see penguins, final approach of Namibia (Namibia), desert and coastline to Botswana, go to Zambia (Zambia) at Victoria Falls (VictoriaFalls), followed by way of Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe), as the road back to Novosibirsk. - From Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/> this is started before Alexander · Graz branch of the monogamous family group photo. A daughter in the photo, so it is not in the photo. - From Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/> in front of the black sea ferry on the family. - From Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/> in Trabzon customs encountered a multi-year see old friends and gave a lot of convenience. - From Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/> happy family, husband and wife and son and daughter. - From Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/> seven by six large travel bag with sleeping bags, pillows and two folding tent. - From Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/> on the road to Turkey, action very adventurous family. We've just cut short climb to the top of the Hill. - From Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/> now came to me two years ago have come to this place, Turkey in the middle of how fine. Kapa Because of Islam, there is no wine in the evening. We quietly zone some beer, drink after washed with Cup, masters and no blame. - From Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/> in the territory of Turkey. - From Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/ >-from Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1)"/ >-from Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/ >-from Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1)"/ >-from Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/ >-from Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1)"/ >-from Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/ >-from Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1)"/ >-from Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/> Kapa many fine Asian most typical karst landscape. - From Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/> now I really understand, when I call the" where "I, I really do not know where they live. - From Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/> in run to Syria, 85 km from the border with Syria. Additional information: Kapa more fine (Greek: Κ α α δ ο π π κ ί α, and in-the-art translation into Santa's Cappadocia) Asian history of a region name, approximate is located in the Southeastern Anatolia. In ancient Greece the historian Herodotus, Kapa more fine-including the Toros mountains to the Black Sea between the regions. Such a definition of how fine Maria Kapa, its South to Toros mountains, East to the Euphrates River, North, and this is West and Central-alkali Heath. Specific range of breadth is very difficult to be sure. Strappo is the only specialized record over this area of the classical writers, but he exaggerated how fine the Kapa; people now know how fine the Kapa-most areas in Turkey, the thing is about 400 km,But only 240 kilometres north and South, there are many typical Karst terrain. - From Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "TITLE =" family cycling -line around the from Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/ >-from Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/>. Cave Hotel - From Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/> Cave Hotel interior view-from Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1)"/ >-from Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/> karst landscape. - From Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "TITLE =" family cycling -line around the from Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/> mountains there are many caves, it is said that Christians fleeing persecution hideout. - From Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/ >-from Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1)"/ >-from Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "TITLE =" family cycling -line around the from Novosibirsk to Cape Town (1) "/> local church in the old murals.