
"WeiJuGuo" seemingly "great leap forward", China football feared trapped mire _ YiShanHu again

Article/YiShanHuTo replace him 3-0 South Korea, its meaning lies not only in over three decades of every Korean winless history, also lies in hoodwinked many people's eyes, paralysis, many people's nerves.Not quite understand football regularly WeiDi, is to replace him grams Korea under the flag that's complacent "optimistic sir" and "surpassing sir". Only one of the battle of victory, was enough to set him to a stage of the global plan China's football make an extraordinary plan, first international play league, followed by two years, South Korea's super ultra to play pull to pie. This is easy to let a person remember last century "great leap forward", steel production in super Britain, N N in super America.Sino-south Korean club against 0:8 disgrace, seems not radically touches WeiDi confidence and determination. Perhaps his most pay attention to process, think the champions league club in the process of domestic not ugly, and only the results don't ideal just. In the heart of wei supremo, Korea, Japan might not be in its vision within two years, with super Korea plans released three years super Japan, four years super European powers, five years the terrible dream, super Brazil are likely to have been holding on to his in my mouth.For many years, China football is sluggish plateaued at every step, the critical moment the giant bubble will burst, against football crashing law of development of soil vicious circle is the key reason. No, we've had written the generation of young outstanding pack to Brazil, expect they create the "China miracle", but now LiJinYu, ZhangXiaoRui, li3 tie3, SuiDongLiang etc "swan" are, left only weather-beaten bleak, No, we have to remember, like the handsome regimes, expect their hire build China football projects for political, and nowadays except luck excellent rice lu, ShiLaPuNa, horton, ALiHan, KeLaoChen, du yi yanukovich's lot etc "foreign monk" children, have been scored "sinners" list, No, those who had written WangJunSheng, 闫世铎, Mr Xie yalong are all collectivisation in empty ambitious zhuang gas, empty have great plan, but lack of practical meeting "cow spirit" in...Maybe WeiDi is lucky, his office on leadership have attention and support, under the excellent environment makes false esau bet, which may be China football how many years never opportunity. Opinion, WeiDi realized that this time, again not a result, don't create the magnificent, however is not the past. Also metasomatism Coincides with South Korea to replace him at this time, the clash patted "3 guns surprise", but also fuelling WeiDi "ambition". Therefore, let's play league against your voice like "besieged", wei supremo persisted, Even by South Korea super league dozen 8:0, wei supremo or ZhiDeYouSheng: "two super Korea club, replace him to go LaDingPa."Obviously, WeiDi all the feat, all is for the sake of early sunrise scores, early to his face and gilding, at least in this session he will dry out a little tricks. A 3-0 win Korea, maybe WeiDi still want put wins Japan, seize Asian champion, broke the World Cup, reached the top eight! Anyway, I have in the Chinese football the annals of particularize brushstroke.The more clearly, two years of super Korea as wishful thinking, to go LaDingPa also not go. For China football is concerned, is urgent low-key pragmatic, according to Chinese add football itself the rules out a belongs to own road. Somebody else Korea not go what forces pie, Japan also not copy copy Brazil, we have again what reason to make work "takes doctrine". WeiDi all wrong ideas, all based on administrative football, based on the system. That is to say, he still won't get rid of the king, 闫, xie old pathway. Perhaps "old before WangXieTang yan, flying into the fa supremo home".Be the person, the stewards will have certain goals, but this goal without actual, deviates from the law, can only be wishful thinking nonsense. Don't want to be captain of the soldier is not a good soldier, but all day dream drive day to exceed Korea, Brazil, learn dream learn Portuguese fa supremo, also never is a good supremo.More of my articles:(2010-03-16 16:00:25)(2010-03-17 16:12:41)(2010-03-22 14:45:58)(2010-03-25 09:24:00)(2010-03-25 18:35:30)(2010-03-29 16:06:32)(2010-04-04 20:35:45)(2010-04-07 14:53:46)

