
United Kingdom owls became older mothers (AP) _ pet baby

Recently, in the United Kingdom has a lot of eco-environmental protectionists shocked, an OWL not only healthy living to age 20, the more successful birth again, become the OWL in the clear "older mothers". According to the United Kingdom recorded bird Foundation, if it can safely through the winter, it will come from North Yorkshire with a 21-year-old OWL, become the OWL in the reproductive age maximum record holder. Typically, an ordinary OWL average life expectancy is only a quarter of them, therefore, in the 20-year-old birth again, undoubtedly is a miracle. In 1987, when the OWL also in childhood, United Kingdom for its bird Foundation, and give it the ease of tracking observation of rings. This OWL subsequently lived in Cambria County Kersh General forest, brought up many future generations. In order to facilitate its rearing offspring, the person concerned has been in Kersh to General forest provides a special nest, so that it can feed two newly born small owls. It is learnt that the life of the OWL is so long, thanks to the United Kingdom Forestry Commission 1980 implementing OWL project, the project's inception, it has been housed in the forest has dens 230 individual workers, compensate for a shortage of natural nest.

