
United Kingdom the guardian: Chinese couples to get married until the year of the Tiger _ Fang zizhou

ong added, eventhough 4 is usually considered unlucky because it sounds like theword for death.Fang Zhouzi, a well-known campaigner against superstition, said theproblem with the coming year is that lichun - the beginning ofspring in the solar-based agrarian calendar - fell on 4 Februarythis year, while the new year is 10 days later. That means the yearof the tiger has no spring.Because spring is associated with yang - the part of the yin-yangTaoist duality associated with maleness and procreation - theresult is a widow year. Some also think that the tiger year isnot good for men.Following these traditions has become popular. In the past onlypeople in backward areas like villages would believe in it, but nowmore and more city dwellers do, Fang added.Every 19 lunar years include seven years without lichun. There isno evidence that women married in those years can become widowsmore easily.For the Huatinxipu wedding company the belief has brought a bumperJanuary-with three times as many customers as usual-but adecrease in bookings for the coming year, said its anxious boss MrZhao.But couples planning to wait 12 months may want to think again.Some fear 2011 could prove equally unsuitable for weddings, press: Tania Branigan becaus United Kingdom the guardian 2010 12 February ese to marry couples rush before tiger pouncesSolar and lunar mismatch means weddings have been brought forwardto avoid marrying in a widow yearTania Branigan beijingguardian.co.uk, Friday 12 February 2010 15.51 GMTIt sounds like the ideal date to begin a lifetime together: in arare alignment, on Sunday the Chinese new year falls on ValentinesDay. But for many couples in China there is nothing romantic aboutthe approaching year of the tiger.Anxious couples have been hastening to tie the knot before the dayarrives, concerned that the mismatch between solar and lunarcalendars has produced a widow year, associated withinfertility.The association of certain dates with good or ill fortune has deeproots in Chinese culture, althouGh it was shunned under Mao Zedong.Now, say experts, such beliefs are flourishing again.On Wednesday-the most auspicious day this week, almost 300 according toalmanacs-couples converged on one Beijing officewithin an hour of it today was less opening.Although, brides and grooms well-starred stillarrived at registries to catch the tail of the ox, thetiger arrived.This is before the end of the ox year and we heard the whole of the nextone will be bad for marriage, said Zhao Shuoxin, 42 translation: Fang zizhou this day sounds like the ideal beginning of a life together: due to a rare coincidence that on Sunday, the Chinese new year is Valentine's day. But for many Chinese couples, approaching the year of the Tiger is not romantic. Reporter: Tania Branigan United Kingdom the guardian 2010 12 February translation: Fang zizhou this day sounds like the ideal beginning of a life together: due to a rare coincidence that on Sunday, the Chinese new year is Valentine's day. But for many Chinese couples, approaching the year of the Tiger is not romantic. Anxious lovers out before the arrival of the new year, Gregorian calendar with haste and lunar calendar mismatch produces and infertility-related "widow years." Take a day and fortune, this deeply rooted in the Chinese culture, although in Mao Zedong era it has been suppressed. Experts say that this kind of faith began to pop. Wednesday – according to the Almanac is a most auspicious day of the week — a family (marriage registration) Office started Office one hour, it brings together nearly 300 on spouses. Although today's not so lucky, the bride and bridegroom are still before the arrival of the year of the Tiger to the marriage-"caught cow tails". "This is the year of the end of next year, we heard that the year should get married," 42-year-old Zhao master new side pick up her marriage certificate said. Her new husband, 54-year-old Zhang Ning said: "we had planned to get married, but we were too busy. Since this is a (year of) the last day, we want to better the clearance. "Wangshuang and his fiancée was nearly 24 years old, they have trouble. "Next year is our benming years — we are Tiger — so we were all not married. "He said. "We don't really care about, but the parents care for us. "The future of her liting husband said with a smile. Fengtai District Office of Mr. said that, in order to meet the additional requirements, they have extended the opening hours. "People ask us is true (not lucky next year), we always tell them, young people to meet the practice is wrong. "He added. "They care about a lot of things; for example, 6, 8 and 9 have all been seen as a good day to get married. "For many people, these factors — as well as practical considerations — will eliminate shadows in the coming year. Although 2008 is also a widow, but with digital 8 linked to good luck beats the bad luck — particularly on 8 August, more than 11 million married spouses, on. Western influence is also slowly penetration. Bell added that some young people think on 14 February was a lucky day, although 4 are usually considered unlucky because it and "dead" euphony. Against superstition famous fighter Fang zizhou said that next year will be considered problematic, because the "Spring" – the under taiyangli solar in the beginning of the spring it represents — in this year's 4 February, while the Lunar to 10 days after the new year. This means that no spring in the year of the Tiger. Since spring is and Yang linked — Taoist Yin-Yang in it with male and reproduction — the result is a "widow" years. It was also believed that the White Tiger, not to men, Kyrgyzstan. "Follow these traditional practices become very popular. In the past only the countryside so backward regions will believe this, but now more and more urban residents believe. "Fang zizhou added. "Every 19 lunar new year is 7 years without beginning of spring. There is no evidence to suggest that in these years married women more easily when the widow. "On the" nursery "wedding huating Greek organizations, that belief was born in JanuaryYi Xing long — the customer up to three times more than usual — but the amount of scheduled next year has declined, the anxious boss Mr. Zhao says. But those who plan to wait 12 months lovers might want to reconsider. There is concern that 2011 be proved similarly unsuitable for marriage, because the numbers back two looks like two Bachelor. Chin anxious lovers out before the arrival of the new year, Gregorian calendar with haste and lunar calendar mismatch produces and infertility-related "widow years." , as sheclutched her wedding certificate. Her new husband, 54-year-oldZhang Ning, said: We planned to get married before but we havebeen so busy. Since this is the last working day we thought wedbetter come along right away.For Wang Shuang and his fiancée, both turning 24, there was anadditional complication. Next year is our birth year - we aretigers - so its not lucky to marry then anyway, he said.We dont really care about it so much, but our parents care alot, added Li Ting, smiling at her husband-to-be.Mr Zhong of the Fengtai registry said it had extended opening hoursto meet the extra demand. Some ask us whether its true [that nextyear is unlucky] and we always tell them it is wrong for youngpeople to follow such trends, he added.They care about lots of things; for example, 6,8 and 9 are allseen as good dates to get married.For many, those factors - as well as practical considerations -will erase any shadow over the coming year. While 2008 was also awidow year, the good luck associated with the figure 8 outweighedthe stain - especially for the more than 110,000 couples whomarried on 8 August.Western influences are creeping in as well. Some young peoplethought 14 February was an auspicious date, Zh a day and fortune, this deeply rooted in the Chinese culture, although in Mao Zedong era it has been suppressed. Experts say that this kind of faith began to pop. Wednesday – according to the Almanac is a most auspicious day of the week — a family (marriage registration) Office started Office one hour, it brings together nearly 300 on spouses. Reporter: Tania Branigan United Kingdom the guardian 2010 12 February translation: Fang zizhou this day sounds like the ideal beginning of a life together: due to a rare coincidence that on Sunday, the Chinese new year is Valentine's day. But for many Chinese couples, approaching the year of the Tiger is not romantic. Anxious lovers out before the arrival of the new year, Gregorian calendar with haste and lunar calendar mismatch produces and infertility-related "widow years." Take a day and fortune, this deeply rooted in the Chinese culture, although in Mao Zedong era it has been suppressed. Experts say that this kind of faith began to pop. Wednesday – according to the Almanac is a most auspicious day of the week — a family (marriage registration) Office started Office one hour, it brings together nearly 300 on spouses. Although today's not so lucky, the bride and bridegroom are still before the arrival of the year of the Tiger to the marriage-"Catching cows tail." "This is the year of the end of next year, we heard that the year should get married," 42-year-old Zhao master new side pick up her marriage certificate said. Her new husband, 54-year-old Zhang Ning said: "we had planned to get married, but we were too busy. Since this is a (year of) the last day, we want to better the clearance. "Wangshuang and his fiancée was nearly 24 years old, they have trouble. "Next year is our benming years — we are Tiger — so we were all not married. "He said. "We don't really care about, but the parents care for us. "The future of her liting husband said with a smile. Fengtai District Office of Mr. said that, in order to meet the additional requirements, they have extended the opening hours. "People ask us is true (not lucky next year), we always tell them, young people to meet the practice is wrong. "He added. "They care about a lot of things; for example, 6, 8 and 9 have all been seen as a good day to get married. "For many people, these factors — as well as practical considerations — will eliminate shadows in the coming year. Although 2008 is also a widow, but with digital 8 linked to good luck beats the bad luck — particularly on 8 August, more than 11 million married spouses, on. Western influence is also slowly penetration. Bell added that some young people think on 14 February was a lucky day, although 4 are usually considered unlucky because it and "dead" euphony. Against superstition famous fighter Fang zizhou said that next year will be considered problematic, because the "Spring" – the under taiyangli solar in the beginning of the spring it represents — in this year's 4 February, while the Lunar to 10 days after the new year. This means that no spring in the year of the Tiger. Since spring is and Yang linked — Taoist Yin-Yang in it with male and reproduction — the result is a "widow" years. It was also believed that the White Tiger, not to men, Kyrgyzstan. "Follow these traditional practices become very popular. In the past only the countryside so backward regions will believe this, but now more and more urban residents believe. "Fang zizhou added. "Every 19 lunar new year is 7 years without beginning of spring. There is no evidence to suggest that in these years married women more easily when the widow. "Greek" huating "wedding company gardens, this kind of belief in January in business — customers up to three times more than usual — but the amount of scheduled next year has declined, the anxious boss Mr. Zhao says. But those who plan to wait 12 months lovers might want to reconsider. There is concern that 2011 be proved similarly unsuitable for marriage, because the numbers back two looks like two Bachelor. Chin while today is not so lucky, the bride and bridegroom are still before the arrival of the year of the Tiger to the marriage-"caught cow tails". ong added, eventhough 4 is usually considered unlucky because it sounds like theword for death.Fang Zhouzi, a well-known campaigner against superstition, said theproblem with the coming year is that lichun - the beginning ofspring in the solar-based agrarian calendar - fell on 4 Februarythis year, while the new year is 10 days later. That means the yearof the tiger has no spring.Because spring is associated with yang - the part of the yin-yangTaoist duality associated with maleness and procreation - theresult is a widow year. Some also think that the tiger year isnot good for men.Following these traditions has become popular. In the past onlypeople in backward areas like villages would believe in it, but nowmore and more city dwellers do, Fang added.Every 19 lunar years include seven years without lichun. There isno evideNce that married women in those years can become widowsmore easily.For the Huatinxipu wedding company the belief has brought a bumperJanuary-with three times as many customers as usual-but adecrease in bookings for the coming year, said its anxious boss MrZhao.But couples planning to wait 12 months may want to think again.Some fear 2011 could prove equally unsuitable for weddings, becaus "this is the year of the end of next year, we heard that the year should get married," 42-year-old Zhao master new side pick up her marriage certificate said. Her new husband, 54-year-old Zhang Ning said: "we had planned to get married, but we were too busy. Since this is a (year of) the last day, we want to better the clearance. "Wangshuang and his fiancée was nearly 24 years old, they have trouble. "Next year is our benming years — we are Tiger — so we were all not married. "He said. , as sheclutched her wedding certificate. Her new husband, 54-year-oldZhang Ning, said: We planned to get married before but we havebeen so busy. Since this is the last working day we thought wedbetter come along right away.For Wang Shuang and his fiancée, both turning 24, there was anadditional complication. Next year is our birth year - we aretigers - so its not lucky to marry then anyway, he said.We dont really care about it so much, but our parents care alot, added Li Ting, smiling at her husband-to-be.Mr Zhong of the Fengtai registry said it had extended opening hoursto meet the extra demand. Some ask us whether its true [that nextyear is unlucky] and we always tell them it is wrong for youngpeople to follow such trends, he added.They care about lots of things; for example, 6,8 and 9 are allseen as good dates to get married.For many, those factors - as well as practical considerations -will erase any shadow over the coming year. While 2008 was also awidow year, the good luck associated with the figure 8 outweighedthe stain - especially for the more than 110,000 couples whomarried on 8 August.Western influences are creeping in as well. Some young peoplethought 14 February was an auspicious date, Zh "we don't really care about, but the parents care for us. "The future of her liting husband said with a smile. , as sheclutched her wedding certificate. Her new husband, 54-year-oldZhang Ning, said: We planned to get married before but we havebeen so busy. Since this is the last working day we thought wedbetter come along right away.For Wang Shuang and his fiancée, both turning 24, there was anadditional complication. Next year is our birth year - we aretigers - so its not lucky to marry then anyway, he said.We dont really care about it so much, but our parents care alot, added Li Ting, smiling at her husband-to-be.Mr Zhong of the Fengtai registry said it had extended opening hoursto meet the extra demand. Some ask us whether its true [that nextyear is unlucky] and we always tell them it is wrong for youngpeople to follow such trends, he added.They care about lots of things; for example, 6,8 and 9 are allseen as good dates to get married.For many, those factors - as well as practical considerations -will erase any shadow over the coming year. While 2008 was also awidow year, the good luck associated with the figure 8 outweighedthe stain - especially for the more than 110,000 couples whomarried on 8 August.Western influences are creeping in as well. Some young peoplethought 14 February was an auspicious date, Zh Fengtai District registry of Mr. said that, in order to meet the additional requirements, they have extended the opening hours. "People ask us is true (not lucky next year), we always tell them, young people to meet the practice is wrong. "He added. "They care about a lot of things; for example, 6, 8 and 9 have all been seen as a good day to get married. ”ong added, eventhough 4 is usually considered unlucky because it sounds like theword for death.Fang Zhouzi, a well-known campaigner against superstition, said theproblem with the coming year is that lichun - the beginning ofspring in the solar-based agrarian calendar - fell on 4 Februarythis year, while the new year is 10 days later. That means the yearof the tiger has no spring.Because spring is associated with yang - the part of the yin-yangTaoist duality associated with maleness and procreation - theresult is a widow year. Some also think that the tiger year isnot good for men.Following these traditions has become popular. In the past onlypeople in backward areas like villages wouldbelieve in it, but nowmore and more city dwellers do, Fang added.Every 19 lunar years include seven years without lichun. There isno evidence that women married in those years can become widowsmore easily.For the Huatinxipu wedding company the belief has brought a bumperJanuary-with three times as many customers as usual-but adecrease in bookings for the coming year, said its anxious boss MrZhao.But couples planning to wait 12 months may want to think again.Some fear 2011 could prove equally unsuitable for weddings, becaus for many people, these factors — as well as practical considerations — will eliminate shadows in the coming year. Although 2008 is also a widow, but with digital 8 linked to good luck beats the bad luck — particularly on 8 August, more than 11 million married spouses, on. , as sheclutched her wedding certificate. Her new husband, 54-year-oldZhang Ning, said: We planned to get married before but we havebeen so busy. Since this is the last working day we thought wedbetter come along right away.For Wang Shuang and his fiancée, both turning 24, there was anadditional complication. Next year is our birth year - we aretigers - so its not lucky to marry then anyway, he said.We dont really care about it so much, but our parents care alot, added Li Ting, smiling at her husband-to-be.Mr Zhong of the Fengtai registry said it had extended opening hoursto meet the extra demand. Some ask us whether its true [that nextyear is unlucky] and we always tell them it is wrong for youngpeople to follow such trends, he added.They care about lots of things; for example, 6,8 and 9 are allseen as good dates to get married.For many, those factors - as well as practical considerations -will erase any shadow over the coming year. While 2008 was also awidow year, the good luck associated with the figure 8 outweighedthe stain - especially for the more than 110,000 couples whomarried on 8 August.Western influences are creeping in as well. Some young peoplethought 14 February was an auspicious date, Zh Western influence is also slowly penetration. Bell added that some young people think on 14 February was a lucky day, although 4 are usually considered unlucky because it and "dead" euphony. Against superstition famous fighter Fang zizhou said that next year will be considered problematic, because the "Spring"In accordance with the throttle in taiyangli represents the beginning of spring — in this year's 4 February, while the Lunar to 10 days after the new year. This means that no spring in the year of the Tiger. ong added, eventhough 4 is usually considered unlucky because it sounds like theword for death.Fang Zhouzi, a well-known campaigner against superstition, said theproblem with the coming year is that lichun - the beginning ofspring in the solar-based agrarian calendar - fell on 4 Februarythis year, while the new year is 10 days later. That means the yearof the tiger has no spring.Because spring is associated with yang - the part of the yin-yangTaoist duality associated with maleness and procreation - theresult is a widow year. Some also think that the tiger year isnot good for men.Following these traditions has become popular. In the past onlypeople in backward areas like villages would believe in it, but nowmore and more city dwellers do, Fang added.Every 19 lunar years include seven years without lichun. There isno evidence that women married in those years can become widowsmore easily.For the Huatinxipu wedding company the belief has brought a bumperJanuary-with three times as many customers as usual-but adecrease in bookings for the coming year, said its anxious boss MrZhao.But couples planning to wait 12 months may want to think again.Some fear 2011 could prove equally unsuitable for weddings, becaus since spring is and Yang linked — Taoist Yin-Yang in it with male and reproduction — the result is a "widow" years. It was also believed that the White Tiger, not to men, Kyrgyzstan. ese couples rush to marry before tiger pouncesSolar and lunar mismatch means weddings have been brought forwardto avoid marrying in a widow yearTania Branigan Beijingguardian.co.uk, Friday 12 February 2010 15.51 GMTIt sounds like the ideal date to begin a lifetime together: in arare alignment, on Sunday the Chinese new year falls on ValentinesDay. But for many couples in China there is nothing romantic aboutthe approaching year of the tiger.Anxious couples have been hastening to tie the knot before the dayarrives, concerned that the mismatch between solar and lunarcalendars has produced a widow year, associated withinfertility.The association oF certain dates with good or ill fortune has deeproots in Chinese culture, although it was shunned under Mao Zedong.Now, say experts, such beliefs are flourishing again.On Wednesday-the most auspicious day this week, almost 300 according toalmanacs-couples converged on one Beijing officewithin an hour of it today was less opening.Although, brides and grooms well-starred stillarrived at registries to catch the tail of the ox, thetiger arrived.This is before the end of the ox year and we heard the whole of the nextone will be bad for marriage, said Zhao Shuoxin, 42 "follow this tradition became very popular. In the past only the countryside so backward regions will believe this, but now more and more urban residents believe. "Fang zizhou added. "Every 19 lunar new year is 7 years without beginning of spring. There is no evidence to suggest that in these years married women more easily when the widow. ”ong added, eventhough 4 is usually considered unlucky because it sounds like theword for death.Fang Zhouzi, a well-known campaigner against superstition, said theproblem with the coming year is that lichun - the beginning ofspring in the solar-based agrarian calendar - fell on 4 Februarythis year, while the new year is 10 days later. That means the yearof the tiger has no spring.Because spring is associated with yang - the part of the yin-yangTaoist duality associated with maleness and procreation - theresult is a widow year. Some also think that the tiger year isnot good for men.Following these traditions has become popular. In the past onlypeople in backward areas like villages would believe in it, but nowmore and more city dwellers do, Fang added.Every 19 lunar years include seven years without lichun. There isno evidence that women married in those years can become widowsmore easily.For the Huatinxipu wedding company the belief has brought a bumperJanuary-with three times as many customers as usual-but adecrease in bookings for the coming year, said its anxious boss MrZhao.But couples planning to wait 12 months may want to think again.Some fear 2011 could prove equally unsuitable for weddings, becaus the huating Greek nursery "wedding companies, this belief in January in business — customers up to three times more than usual — but the amount of scheduled next year has declined, the anxious boss Mr. Zhao says. ese couples rush to marry before tiger pouncesSolar and lunar mismatch means weddings have been brought forwardto avoid marrying in a widow yearTania Branigan Beijingguardian.co.uk, Friday 12 February 2010 15.51 GMTIt sounds like the ideal date to begin a lifetime together: in arare alignment, on Sunday the Chinese new year falls on ValentinesDay. But for many couples in China there is nothing romantic aboutthe approaching year of the tiger.Anxious couples have been hastening to tie the knot before the dayarrives, concerned that the mismatch between solar and lunarcalendars has produced a widow year, associated withinfertility.The association of certain dates with good or ill fortune has deeproots in Chinese culture, although it was shunned under Mao Zedong.Now, say experts, such beliefs are flourishing again.On Wednesday-the most auspicious day this week, almost 300 according toalmanacs-couples converged on one Beijing officewithin an hour of it today was less opening.Although, brides and grooms well-starred stillarrived at registries to catch the tail of the ox, thetiger arrived.This is before the end of the ox year and we heard the whole of the nextone will be bad for marriage, said Zhao Shuoxin, 42 but those who plan to wait 12 months lovers might want to reconsider. There is concern that 2011 be proved similarly unsuitable for marriage, because the numbers back two looks like two Bachelor. Chinese couples rush to marry before tiger pouncesong added, eventhough 4 is usually considered unlucky because it sounds like theword for death.Fang Zhouzi, a well-known campaigner against superstition, said theproblem with the coming year is that lichun - the beginning ofspring in the solar-based agrarian calendar - fell on 4 Februarythis year, while the new year is 10 days later. That means the yearof the tiger has no spring.Because spring is associated with yang - the part of the yin-yangTaoist duality associated with maleness and procreation - theresult is a widow year. Some also think that the tiger year isnot good for men.Following these traditions has become popular. In the past onlypeople in backward areas like villages would believe in it, but nowmore and more city dwellers do, Fang added.Every 19 lunar years include seven years without lichun. There isno evidence that women married in those years can become widowsmore easily.For the Huatinxipu wedding company the belief has brought a bumperJanuary - with three times as many customers as usual - but adecrease in bookings for the coming year, said its anxious boss MrZhao.But couples planning to wait 12 months may want to think again.Some fear 2011 could prove equally unsuitable for weddings, becausSolar and lunar mismatch means weddings have been brought forwardto avoid marrying in a 'widow year'ong added, eventhough 4 is usually considered unlucky because it sounds like theword for death.Fang Zhouzi, a well-known campaigner against superstition, said theproblem with the coming year is that lichun - the beginning ofspring in the solar-based agrarian calendar - fell on 4 Februarythis year, while the new year is 10 days later. That means the yearof the tiger has no spring.Because spring is associated with yang - the part of the yin-yangTaoist duality associated with maleness and procreation - theresult is a widow year. Some also think that the tiger year isnot good for men.Following these traditions has become popular. In the past onlypeople in backward areas like villages would believe in it, but nowmore and more city dwellers do, Fang added.Every 19 lunar years include seven years without lichun. There isno evidence that women married in those years can become widowsmore easily.For the Huatinxipu wedding company the belief has brought a bumperJanuary - with three times as many customers as usual - but adecrease in bookings for the coming year, said its anxious boss MrZhao.But couples planning to wait 12 months may want to think again.Some fear 2011 could prove equally unsuitable for weddings, becausTania Branigan Beijingguardian.co.uk, Friday 12 February 2010 15.51 GMT, as sheclutched her wedding certificate. Her new husband, 54-year-oldZhang Ning, said: We planned to get married before but we havebeen so busy. Since this is the last working day we thought wedbetter come along right away.For Wang Shuang and his fiancée, both turning 24, there was anadditional complication. Next year is our birth year - we aretigers - so its not lucky to marry then anyway, he said.We dont really care about it so much, but our parents care alot, added Li Ting, smiling at her husband-to-be.Mr Zhong of the Fengtai registry said it had extended opening hoursto meet the extra demand. Some ask us whether its true [that nextyear is unlucky] and we always tell them it is wrong for youngpeople to follow such trends, he added.They care about lots of things; for example, 6,8 and 9 are allseen as good dates to get married.For many, those factors - as well as practical considerations -will erase any shadow over the coming year. While 2008 was also awidow year, the good luck associated with the figure 8 outweighedthe stain - especially for the more than 110,000 couples whomarried on 8 August.Western influences are creeping in as well. Some young peoplethought 14 February was an auspicious date, ZhIt sounds like the ideal date to begin a lifetime together: in arare alignment, on Sunday the Chinese new year falls on Valentine'sDay. But for many couples in China there is nothing romantic aboutthe approaching year of the tiger.Anxious couples have been hastening to tie the knot before the dayarrives, concerned that the mismatch between solar and lunarcalendars has produced a "widow year", associated withinfertility.ese couples rush to marry before tiger pouncesSolar and lunar mismatch means weddings have been brought forwardto avoid marrying in a widow yearTania Branigan Beijingguardian.co.uk, Friday 12 February 2010 15.51 GMTIt sounds like the ideal date to begin a lifetime together: in arare alignment, on Sunday the Chinese new year falls on ValentinesDay. But for many couples in China there is nothing romantic aboutthe approaching year of the tiger.Anxious couples have been hastening to tie the knot before the dayarrives, concerned that the mismatch between solar and lunarcalendars has produced a widow year, associated withinfertility.The association of certain dates with good or ill fortune has deeproots in Chinese culture, although it was shunned under Mao Zedong.Now, say experts, such beliefs are flourishing again.On Wednesday - the most auspicious day this week, according toalmanacs - almost 300 couples converged on one Beijing officewithin an hour of it opening.Although today was less well-starred, brides and grooms stillarrived at registries to catch the tail of the ox, before thetiger arrived.This is the end of the ox year and we heard the whole of the nextone will be bad for marriage, said Zhao Shuoxin, 42The association of certain dates with good or ill fortune has deeproots in Chinese culture, although it was shunned under Mao Zedong.Now, say experts, such beliefs are flourishing again.ese couples rush to marry before tiger pouncesSolar and lunar mismatch means weddings have been brought forwardto avoid marrying in a widow yearTania Branigan Beijingguardian.co.uk, Friday 12 February 2010 15.51 GMTIt sounds like the ideal date to begin a lifetime together: in arare alignment, on Sunday the Chinese new year falls on ValentinesDay. But for many couples in China there is nothing romantic aboutthe approaching year of the tiger.Anxious couples have been hastening to tie the knot before the dayarrives, concerned that the mismatch between solar and lunarcalendars has produced a widow year, associated withinfertility.The association of certain dates with good or ill fortune has deeproots in Chinese culture, although it was shunned under Mao Zedong.Now, say experts, such beliefs are flourishing again.On Wednesday - the most auspicious day this week, according toalmanacs - almost 300 couples converged on one Beijing officewithin an hour of itOpening.Although today was less, brides and grooms well-starred stillarrived at registries to catch the tail of the ox, thetiger arrived.This is before the end of the ox year and we heard the whole of the nextone will be bad for marriage, said Zhao Shuoxin, 42On Wednesday-the most auspicious day this week, almost 300 according toalmanacs-couples converged on one Beijing officewithin an hour of it today was less opening.Although, brides and grooms well-starred stillarrived at registries to "catch the tail of the ox", before thetiger arrived. Tania Branigan Reporter: United Kingdom the guardian 2010 12 February translation: Fang zizhou this day sounds like the ideal beginning of a life together: due to a rare coincidence that on Sunday, the Chinese new year is Valentine's day. But for many Chinese couples, approaching the year of the Tiger is not romantic. Anxious lovers out before the arrival of the new year, Gregorian calendar with haste and lunar calendar mismatch produces and infertility-related "widow years." Take a day and fortune, this deeply rooted in the Chinese culture, although in Mao Zedong era it has been suppressed. Experts say that this kind of faith began to pop. Wednesday – according to the Almanac is a most auspicious day of the week — a family (marriage registration) Office started Office one hour, it brings together nearly 300 on spouses. Although today's not so lucky, the bride and bridegroom are still before the arrival of the year of the Tiger to the marriage-"caught cow tails". "This is the year of the end of next year, we heard that the year should get married," 42-year-old Zhao master new side pick up her marriage certificate said. Her new husband, 54-year-old Zhang Ning said: "we had planned to get married, but we were too busy. Since this is a (year of) the last day, we want to better the clearance. "Wangshuang and his fiancée was nearly 24 years old, they have trouble. "Next year is our benming years — we are Tiger — so we were all not married. "He said. "We don't really care about, but the parents care for us. "The future of her liting husband said with a smile. Fengtai District Office of Mr. said that, in order to meet the additional requirements, they have extended the opening hours. "People ask us is true (not lucky next year), we always tell them, young people to meet the practice is wrong. "He added. "They care about a lot of things; for example, 6, 8 and 9 have all been seen as a good day to get married. "For many people, these factors — as well as practical considerations — will eliminate shadows in the coming year. Although 2008 is also a widow, but with digital 8 linked to good luck beats the bad luck — particularly on 8 August, more than 11 million married spouses, on. Western influence is also slowly penetration. Bell added that some young people think on 14 February was a lucky day, although 4 are usually considered unlucky because it and "dead" euphony. Against superstition famous fighter Fang zizhou said that next year will be considered problematic, because the "Spring" – the under taiyangli solar in the beginning of the spring it represents — in this year's 4 February, while the Lunar to 10 days after the new year. This means that no spring in the year of the Tiger. Since spring is and Yang linked — Taoist Yin-Yang in it with male and reproduction — the result is a "widow" years. It was also believed that the White Tiger, not to men, Kyrgyzstan. "Follow these traditional practices become very popular. In the past only the countryside so backward regions will believe this, but now more and more urban residents believe. "Fang zizhou added. "Every 19 lunar new year is 7 years without beginning of spring. There is no evidence to suggest that in these years married women more easily when the widow. "Greek" huating "wedding company gardens, this kind of belief in January in business — customers up to three times more than usual — but the amount of scheduled next year has declined, the anxious boss Mr. Zhao says. But thatSome plan to wait 12 months lovers might want to reconsider. There is concern that 2011 be proved similarly unsuitable for marriage, because the numbers back two looks like two Bachelor. Chin"This is the end of the ox year and we heard the whole of the nextone will be bad for marriage," said Zhao Shuoxin, 42, as sheclutched her wedding certificate. Her new husband, 54-year-oldZhang Ning, said: "We planned to get married before but we havebeen so busy. Since this is the last working day we thought we'dbetter come along right away.", as sheclutched her wedding certificate. Her new husband, 54-year-oldZhang Ning, said: We planned to get married before but we havebeen so busy. Since this is the last working day we thought wedbetter come along right away.For Wang Shuang and his fiancée, both turning 24, there was anadditional complication. Next year is our birth year - we aretigers - so its not lucky to marry then anyway, he said.We dont really care about it so much, but our parents care alot, added Li Ting, smiling at her husband-to-be.Mr Zhong of the Fengtai registry said it had extended opening hoursto meet the extra demand. Some ask us whether its true [that nextyear is unlucky] and we always tell them it is wrong for youngpeople to follow such trends, he added.They care about lots of things; for example, 6,8 and 9 are allseen as good dates to get married.For many, those factors - as well as practical considerations -will erase any shadow over the coming year. While 2008 was also awidow year, the good luck associated with the figure 8 outweighedthe stain - especially for the more than 110,000 couples whomarried on 8 August.Western influences are creeping in as well. Some young peoplethought 14 February was an auspicious date, ZhFor Wang Shuang and his fiancée, both turning24, there was an additional complication. "Next year is our birthyear - we are tigers - so it's not lucky to marry then anyway," hesaid." We don't really care about it so much, but our parents care alot," added Li Ting, smiling at her husband-to-be.ong added, eventhough 4 is usually considered unlucky because it sounds like theword for death.Fang Zhouzi, a well-known campaigner against superstition, said theproblem with the coming year is that lichun - the beginning ofspring in the solar-based agrarian calendar - fell on 4 Februarythis year, while the new year is 10 days later. That means the yearof the tiger has no spring.Because spring is associated with yang - the part of the yin-yangTaoist duality associated with maleness and procreation - theresult is a widow year. Some also think that the tiger year isnot good for men.Following these traditions has become popular. In the past onlypeople in backward areas like villages would believe in it, but nowmore and more city dwellers do, Fang added.Every 19 lunar years include seven years without lichun. There isno evidence that women married in those years can become widowsmore easily.For the Huatinxipu wedding company the belief has brought a bumperJanuary - with three times as many customers as usual - but adecrease in bookings for the coming year, said its anxious boss MrZhao.But couples planning to wait 12 months may want to think again.Some fear 2011 could prove equally unsuitable for weddings, becausMr Zhong of the Fengtai registry said it had extended opening hoursto meet the extra demand. "Some ask us whether it's true [that nextyear is unlucky] and we always tell them it is wrong for youngpeople to follow such trends," he added.ong added, eventhough 4 is usually considered unlucky because it sounds like theword for death.Fang Zhouzi, a well-known campaigner against superstition, said theproblem with the coming year is that lichun - the beginning ofspring in the solar-based agrarian calendar - fell on 4 Februarythis year, while the new year is 10 days later. That means the yearof the tiger has no spring.Because spring is associated with yang - the part of the yin-yangTaoist duality associated with maleness and procreation - theresult is a widow year. Some also think that the tiger year isnot good for men.Following these traditions has become popular. In the past onlypeople in backward areas like villages would believe in it, but nowmore and more city dwellers do, Fang added.Every 19 lunar years include seven years without lichun. There isno evidence that women married in those years can become widowsmore easily.For the Huatinxipu wedding company the belief has brought a bumperJanuary - with three times as many customers as usual - but adecrease in bookings for the coming year, said its anxious boss MrZhao.But couples planning to wait 12 months may want to think again.Some fear 2011 could prove equally unsuitable for weddings, becaus"They care about lots of things; for example, 6,8 and 9 are allseen as good dates to get married." For many, those factors - as well as practical considerations -will erase any shadow over the coming year. While 2008 was also awidow year, the good luck associated with the figure 8 outweighedthe stain - especially for the more than 110,000 couples whomarried on 8 August.ethe two ones at the end of the date look like singletons standingside by side.Additional research by Chen ShiWestern influences are creeping in as well. Some young peoplethought 14 February was an auspicious date, Zhong added, eventhough 4 is usually considered unlucky because it sounds like theword for death.ong added, eventhough 4 is usually considered unlucky because it sounds like theword for death.Fang Zhouzi, a well-known campaigner against superstition, said theproblem with the coming year is that lichun - the beginning ofspring in the solar-based agrarian calendar - fell on 4 Februarythis year, while the new year is 10 days later. That means the yearof the tiger has no spring.Because spring is associated with yang - the part of the yin-yangTaoist duality associated with maleness and procreation - theresult is a widow year. Some also think that the tiger year isnot good for men.Following these traditions has become popular. In the past onlypeople in backward areas like villages would believe in it, but nowmore and more city dwellers do, Fang added.Every 19 lunar years include seven years without lichun. There isno evidence that women married in those years can become widowsmore easily.For the Huatinxipu wedding company the belief has brought a bumperJanuary - with three times as many customers as usual - but adecrease in bookings for the coming year, said its anxious boss MrZhao.But couples planning to wait 12 months may want to think again.Some fear 2011 could prove equally unsuitable for weddings, becausFang Zhouzi, a well-known campaigner against superstition, said theproblem with the coming year is that "lichun" - the beginning ofspring in the solar-based agrarian calendar - fell on 4 Februarythis year, while the new year is 10 days later. That means the yearof the tiger has no spring.Because spring is associated with yang - the part of the yin-yangTaoist duality associated with maleness and procreation - theresult is a "widow" year. Some also think that the tiger year isnot good for men.ong added, eventhough 4 is usually considered unlucky because it sounds like theword for death.Fang Zhouzi, a well-known campaigner against superstition, said theproblem with the coming year is that lichun - the beginning ofspring in the solar-based agrarian calendar - fell on 4 Februarythis year, while the new year is 10 days later. That means the yearof the tiger has no spring.Because spring is associated with yang - the part of the yin-yangTaoist duality associated with maleness and procreation - theresult is a widow year. Some also think that the tiger year isnot good for men.Following these traditions has become popular. In the past onlypeople in backward areas like villages would believe in it, but nowmore and more city dwellers do, Fang added.Every 19 lunar years include seven years without lichun. There isno evidence that women married in those years can become widowsmore easily.For the Huatinxipu wedding company the belief has brought a bumperJanuary - with three times as many customers as usual - but adecrease in bookings for the coming year, said its anxious boss MrZhao.But couples planning to wait 12 months may want to think again.Some fear 2011 could prove equally unsuitable for weddings, becaus"Following these traditions has become popular. In the past onlypeople in backward areas like villages would believe in it, but nowmore and more city dwellers do, "added Fang: Tania Branigan journalists United Kingdom the guardian 2010 12 February translation: Fang zizhou this day sounds like the ideal beginning of a life together: due to a rare coincidence that on Sunday, the Chinese new year is Valentine's day. But for many Chinese couples, approaching the year of the Tiger is not romantic. Anxious lovers out before the arrival of the new year, Gregorian calendar with haste and lunar calendar mismatch produces and infertility-related "widow years." Take a day and fortune, this deeply rooted in the Chinese culture, although in Mao Zedong era it has been suppressed. Experts say that this kind of faith began to pop. Wednesday – according to the Almanac is a most auspicious day of the week — a family (marriage registration) Office started Office one hour, it brings together nearly 300 on spouses. Although today's not so lucky, the bride and bridegroom are still before the arrival of the year of the Tiger to the marriage-"caught cow tails". "This is the year of the end of next year, we heard that the year should get married," 42-year-old Zhao master new side pick up her marriage certificate said. Her new husband, 54-year-old Zhang Ning said: "we had planned to get married, but we were too busy. Since this is a (year of) the last day, we want to better the clearance. "Wangshuang and his fiancée was nearly 24 years old, they have trouble. "Next year is our benming years — we are Tiger — so we were all not married. "He said. "We don't really care about, but the parents care for us. "The future of her liting husband said with a smile. Fengtai District Office of Mr. said that, in order to meet the additional requirements, they have extended the opening hours. "People ask us is true (not lucky next year), we always tell them, young people to meet the practice is wrong. "He added. "They care about a lot of things; for example, 6, 8 and 9 have all been seen as a good day to get married. "For many people, these factors — as well as practical considerations — will eliminate shadows in the coming year. Although 2008 is also a widow, but with digital 8 linked to good luck beats the bad luck — particularly on 8 August, more than 11 million married spouses, on. Western influence is also slowly penetration. Bell added that some young people think on 14 February was a lucky day, although 4 are usually considered unlucky because it and "dead" euphony. Against superstition famous fighter Fang zizhou said that next year will be considered problematic, because the "Spring" – the under taiyangli solar in the beginning of the spring it represents — in this year's 4 February, while the Lunar to 10 days after the new year. This means that no spring in the year of the Tiger. Since spring is and Yang linked — Taoist Yin-Yang in it with male and reproduction — the result is a "widow" years. It was also believed that the White Tiger, not to men, Kyrgyzstan. "Follow these traditional practices become very popular. In the past only the countryside so backward regions will believe this, but now more and more urban residents believe. "Fang zizhou added. "Every 19 lunar new year is 7 years without beginning of spring. There is no evidence to suggest that in these years married women more easily when the widow. "Greek" huating "wedding company gardens, this kind of belief in January in business — customers up to three times more than usual — but the amount of scheduled next year has declined, the anxious boss Mr. Zhao says. But those who plan to wait 12 months lovers might want to reconsider. There is concern that 2011 be proved similarly unsuitable for marriage, because the numbers back two looks like two Bachelor. Chin"Every 19 lunar years include seven years without lichun. There isno evidence that women married in those years can become widowsmore easily." For the Huatinxipu wedding company the belief has brought a bumperJanuary-with three times as many customers as usual-but adecrease in bookings for the coming year, said its anxious boss MrZhao. reporter: Tania Branigan United Kingdom the guardian 2010 12 February translation: Fang zizhou this day sounds like the ideal beginning of a life together: due to a rare coincidence that on Sunday, the Chinese new year is Valentine's day. But for many Chinese couples, approaching the year of the Tiger is not romantic. Anxious lovers out before the arrival of the new year, Gregorian calendar with haste and lunar calendar mismatch produces and infertility-related "widow years." Take a day and fortune, this deeply rooted in the Chinese culture, although in Mao Zedong era it has been suppressed. Experts say that this kind of faith began to pop. Wednesday – according to the Almanac is a most auspicious day of the week — a family (marriage registration) Office started Office one hour, it brings together nearly 300 on spouses. Although today's not so lucky, the bride and bridegroom are still before the arrival of the year of the Tiger to the marriage-"caught cow tails". "This is the year of the end of next year, we heard that the year should get married," 42-year-old Zhao master new side pick up her marriage certificate said. Her new husband, 54-year-old Zhang Ning said: "we had planned to get married, but we were too busy. Since this is a (year of) the last day, we want to better the clearance. "Wangshuang and his fiancée was nearly 24 years old, they have trouble. "Next year is our benming years — we are Tiger — so we were all not married. "He said. "We don't really care about, but the parents care for us. "The future of her liting husband said with a smile. Fengtai District Office of Mr. said that, in order to meet the additional requirements, they have extended the opening hours. "People ask us is true (not lucky next year), we always tell them, young people to meet the practice is wrong. "He added. "They care about a lot of things; for example, 6, 8 and 9 have all been seen as a good day to get married. "For many people, these factors — as well as practical considerations — will eliminate shadows in the coming year. Although 2008 is also a widow, but with digital 8 linked to good luck beats the bad luck — particularly on 8 August, more than 11 million married spouses, on. Western influence is also slowly penetration. Bell added that some young people think on 14 February was a lucky day, although 4 are usually considered unlucky because it and "dead" euphony. Against superstition famous fighter Fang zizhou said that next year will be considered problematic, because the "Spring" – the under taiyangli solar in the beginning of the spring it represents — in this year's 4 February, while the Lunar to 10 days after the new year. This means that no spring in the year of the Tiger. Since spring is and Yang linked — Taoist Yin-Yang in it with male and reproduction — the result is a "widow" years. It was also believed that the White Tiger, not to men, Kyrgyzstan. "Follow these traditional practices become very popular. In the past only the countryside so backward regions will believe this, but now more and more urban residents believe. "Fang zizhou added. "Every 19 lunar new year is 7 years without beginning of spring. There is no evidence to suggest that in these years married women more easily when the widow. "Greek" huating "wedding company gardens, this kind of belief in January in business — customers up to three times more than usual — but the amount of scheduled next year has declined, the anxious boss Mr. Zhao says. But those who plan to wait 12 months lovers might want to reconsider. There is concern that 2011 be proved similarly unsuitable for marriage, because the numbers back two looks like two Bachelor. ChinBut couples planning to wait 12 months may want to think again.Some fear 2011 could prove equally unsuitable for weddings, becausethe two ones at the end ofThe date look like singletons standingside side by Tania Branigan. reporter: United Kingdom the guardian 2010 12 February translation: Fang zizhou this day sounds like the ideal beginning of a life together: due to a rare coincidence that on Sunday, the Chinese new year is Valentine's day. But for many Chinese couples, approaching the year of the Tiger is not romantic. Anxious lovers out before the arrival of the new year, Gregorian calendar with haste and lunar calendar mismatch produces and infertility-related "widow years." Take a day and fortune, this deeply rooted in the Chinese culture, although in Mao Zedong era it has been suppressed. Experts say that this kind of faith began to pop. Wednesday – according to the Almanac is a most auspicious day of the week — a family (marriage registration) Office started Office one hour, it brings together nearly 300 on spouses. Although today's not so lucky, the bride and bridegroom are still before the arrival of the year of the Tiger to the marriage-"caught cow tails". "This is the year of the end of next year, we heard that the year should get married," 42-year-old Zhao master new side pick up her marriage certificate said. Her new husband, 54-year-old Zhang Ning said: "we had planned to get married, but we were too busy. Since this is a (year of) the last day, we want to better the clearance. "Wangshuang and his fiancée was nearly 24 years old, they have trouble. "Next year is our benming years — we are Tiger — so we were all not married. "He said. "We don't really care about, but the parents care for us. "The future of her liting husband said with a smile. Fengtai District Office of Mr. said that, in order to meet the additional requirements, they have extended the opening hours. "People ask us is true (not lucky next year), we always tell them, young people to meet the practice is wrong. "He added. "They care about a lot of things; for example, 6, 8 and 9 have all been seen as a good day to get married. "For many people, these factors — as well as practical considerations — will eliminate shadows in the coming year. Although 2008 is also a widow, but with digital 8 linked to good luck beats the bad luck — particularly on 8 August, more than 11 million married spouses, on. Western influence is also slowly penetration. Bell added that some young people think on 14 February was a lucky day, although 4 are usually considered unlucky because it and "dead" euphony. Against superstition famous fighter Fang zizhou said that next year will be considered problematic, because the "Spring" – the under taiyangli solar in the beginning of the spring it represents — in this year's 4 February, while the Lunar to 10 days after the new year. This means that no spring in the year of the Tiger. Since spring is and Yang linked — Taoist Yin-Yang in it with male and reproduction — the result is a "widow" years. It was also believed that the White Tiger, not to men, Kyrgyzstan. "Follow these traditional practices become very popular. In the past only the countryside so backward regions will believe this, but now more and more urban residents believe. "Fang zizhou added. "Every 19 lunar new year is 7 years without beginning of spring. There is no evidence to suggest that in these years married women more easily when the widow. "Greek" huating "wedding company gardens, this kind of belief in January in business — customers up to three times more than usual — but the amount of scheduled next year has declined, the anxious boss Mr. Zhao says. But those who plan to wait 12 months lovers might want to reconsider. There is concern that 2011 be proved similarly unsuitable for marriage, because the numbers back two looks like two Bachelor. ChinAdditional research by Chen Shi source: (http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_474068790100hltp.html)-United Kingdom the guardian: Chinese couples to get married until the year of the Tiger Fang zizhou _ _ Sina Blog

