
United Kingdom broadcasting our politicians don't mind when traitor? _ military reference

Article source: United Kingdom broadcasters http://blog.sina.com.cn/jsck military reference no film "Lust, caution" in the traitor easy and spy wangjiazhi, Hong Kong politics these days are the same everywhere "traitor." Hong Kong Democratic former President Lee Martin recently wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal, the United States mentioned want United States President George w. Bush presented by Beijing Olympic opportunity for China to improve human rights. Lee Martin's article on October 17, the Wall Street Journal published by the United States, not stir up any attention until last Thursday (25), Hong Kong's pro-Beijing party for the Betterment of Hong Kong Legislative Council, that he is called foreign boycott of the Olympic Games. Subsequently the pro-Beijing party, all hydrophilic Beijing media criticizing her Martin LEE, some members of the public and articles have criticized "Lee" traitors. Like the pro-Beijing newspaper published "Wen Wei Po will Martin refused to admit their mistakes would always be traitors," "United States pressure caused scandals dogged supporters also means doing dumb things" Lee. Lee Martin on Saturday (27) said that he would not recover in the United States the Wall Street Journal published an article apology will not. He said that there are very large forces to put pressure on him and forced him to admit their mistakes, but he does admit that he has also been criticized as a "traitor", puzzled. Admit non-core, in fact, he is to admit their mistakes and is not a problem. The real question these criticisms on the camp. Election of the psychological war room is evaluating Lee Martin's remarks on the election of former City is Anson Chan. There are also on the Democrats in November's election. These elections on the development of democracy in Hong Kong are important, because the election results to a certain extent, reflected in the 2012 election of the Chief Executive and the legislature. But she was involved in the Legislative Council by-election campaign, more as a "democratic and non-democratic" against. But he would improve China's human rights, just opened a gap for the pro-Beijing camp provides a lot of space. This gap is exactly what the Democrats cry: how you can criticize China, said his patriotic. Mrs Chan Sunday (28), appeared on the Assembly said that the remarks made by Martin LEE would not affect her, and she received the support of the Liberals. But she has not forgotten that human rights in China have improved in recent years, I believe that leaders will continue to improve. She also urged the international community to actively participate in the Beijing Olympics next year. She appeared on the Assembly of about 300 to 400 supporters present, almost all of Hong Kong pro-democracy political groups have participated, but had been regarded as she does one of the "making of the King" by Lee Martin did not occur. Mrs Chan said private Martin LEE was unable to attend. Zekiun: "don't mind when traitors. " Gap opened up and our democratic camp just to cool things, including the Catholic Bishop of Hong Kong zekiun. Zekiun said support aspirations of Martin LEE, he said that if he were therefore as a traitor, he did not mind as traitors. He also believes that the criticism he should read the article, the words should be based. Zekiun said that these criticisms articles organized, very funny. He also believed that event that world opinion on Hong Kong's ratings, you should stop as soon as possible. But it seems that as long as the end of the election has not, or appear everywhere "traitor." (The author Judith Chui Yan)

