Shocked by the United Kingdom: female soldiers to take off her panties to the plane! _ soldiers assault
Core Tip: United Kingdom Royal Air Force stationed in the Malvinas air base 700 soldiers only 10 people are women, the air force base's pilots have conventions: United Kingdom air force officers and men to women by plane rides, you must to get underwear when "ticket". United Kingdom Royal Air Force a senior officials confirmed the authenticity of the event. It is reported that this matter has shocked the United Kingdom. According to the United Kingdom the Sun newspaper and other media reports 18, United Kingdom Royal Air Force (RAF) stationed in the Malvinas Islands of fighter pilots are coming out a stunning traditional: If the British air force base in female soldiers want to take their driving "cyclone" fighters for a God, then they have to take off his underpants acts as a "ticket". Air force base set metamorphosis conventions it is reported that the South Atlantic Malvinas happy Hill Airport is the United Kingdom Royal Air Force stationed in the island's air force base, located at 700 United Kingdom Royal Air Force officers and soldiers, however, in this 700 United Kingdom Royal Air Force officers and men, only 10 were women, women in the United Kingdom Royal Air Force stationed in the island's air force base in became the exception rare "baby". So the air base of the "cyclone" fighter pilots were even conventions: any United Kingdom Royal Air force of female officers if you want to take their driving "cyclone" fighters to heaven for a ride, you must take off his underpants acts as a "ticket" helicopter pilots tops! "cyclone" fighter pilots of this odd tradition was soon United Kingdom Royal Air Force Base's helicopter pilots, rescue aircraft pilots are "reference", helicopter and rescue aircraft pilots have asked: If the air base of women want to take their plane into space for a ride, you must take your own bra when "ticket"! United Kingdom Royal Air Force stationed in the island's air force base in a female officer told reporters: "If you want to here by all types of aircraft an air pocket God, then you will not leave any underwear!" Bar on the wall "underwear exhibition" held in the past this time, the island of happy Hill Airport British pilots who have been through this "underpants as ticket" means a collection of dozens of colorful female flower underwear. These pilots will also underwear because these flowers into the frame, hanging in the air force base in a small bar on the walls, they are treated as "art" exhibition. An island of happiness mountain Airport work in the United Kingdom Royal Air force women officers said: "a woman if you want to use a jet fighter to heaven for a ride, so she had to take off their underwear to the pilot acts as an ' air '. They apply these girls underwear into picture frame on the wall, and lets the girl in the picture frame in the message that their message is usually: "thank the flight! ' Or ' thank you for allowing me to stimulate scream! ' " (Case Wo) "underwear" event shocked the United Kingdom United Kingdom Royal Air Force stationed in the island pilot air-filled "female underpants" strange tradition all United Kingdom were stunned. 17 June evening, United Kingdom Royal Air Force a senior officials confirmed the British island of happy Hill Airport bar in the presence of female flowers underwear. But the Royal Air Force senior officials said, all of which carry passengers for the flight are obtained on the superior approval, these pilots did not make any breaches of military regulations. This senior official said: "all these flights are permitted, there was not any unlawful use of fighters of the problem. The passenger will not be forced to hand over their underwear as God for a ride, but if they know that the ' traditional ', willing to donate their underwear, it is the will of their own. ”惊掉下巴:印度中学课本这样评说中国!好消息:中国又一个世界第一诞生了!印媒脸红了:印度 请别再抱怨中国了!震撼:中国最大风洞创两项世界纪录!美学者:中国想毁灭日本其实很简单!好消息:中国军事打击越南计划已实施兰德发布惊人消息:2020年中国会非常穷!美称:中国陆军已到匪夷所思地步了美国人吃惊:我看到三个不一样的中国美华人:回国后才知道美畏惧中国什么印媒:中国军队让印度大感紧张!美国:中国正密谋收复588万平方公里领土战备升级:解放军HQ12频频锁定印战机印度惊惧:中国无人攻击机云集西藏中国先进战机震惊西方:美倾家荡产应付美警告:中国部署轰七准备轰炸越南英媒:中国有一种导弹令美俄惊叹不已美消息:中国已列装10架以上歼14好消息:中国接近4代的重歼已服役曝光:中国神秘武器击毁敌潜艇只用一分钟中国导弹把日媒吓哭了:孙子装的太逼真!92年俄差点对中国发动世界大战带走最先进飞机:中国最轰动叛逃事件越女兵泪流满面:越战中付出代价太大了中国将失去最后一个铁杆朋友:巴基斯坦张召忠见过激光打导弹:我感到震惊!中央高层逐渐达成共识:印度将被祭旗!新媒:中国一旦出手越恐难撑三日!中国大怒:誓将印度六万大军送入坟场