Malaysia folk _ Sergio Rota
Malay customs and much of our differences, so it must be noted that, in order to avoid inadvertently made a taboo, rude, or misunderstanding and unnecessary disputes. Address: Malays do not have a fixed name, so when you do not call them by their last name as a salutation. Malay name can be divided into two parts, the first part is their names, in a "bin" or "binti", sometimes omitted. The second part is the name of their father. Men: intermediate with "bin", and Ms. the binti ". In informal occasions, to come on more familiar name for Adik or dik (codes for the disc or disc), the brother or sister, you can omit the names. On grade large man can be called Pakcik (tone, gas), which means uncle, Ms. Makcik (tone as mother gas) meaning to aunt; in more formal occasion, Tuan (client), courtesy name to men, in Puan (curved), courtesy name to Lady. In addition, given the honorific title of person to direct its closure or closure with names. As Datuk (Dato), Tan Sri (Tan Sri), etc. Visit the guest: in Malaysia, door, unless the owner's permission, the guest must leave shoes at the door or staircase, before the House. Entered, the host and to greet and hands handshake handshaking, simply touch it, and then put a hand to the front, to express sincere. To Malay House guest, if the master schedule sat on the mat on the floor, males should 盘腿è sitting, kneeling woman you have to sit or to deviation to sit on the left leg. In the late afternoon visit is not popular, because then the Muslims have to pray at night, do visit shall normally be used later. Clothing: Malays whether male or female heads were wearing all kinds of headgear. In the village or town mosque, often visible wear conical-velvet hat for men, this indicates that he is Muslim. But to Mecca toward a Saint, get the "Haj" people are wearing something called white hat can be long. Sudan and its successor, the Secretary of State, Cabinet scarf typically use represents noble yellow and white scarf package also has a specific way, the average person may not mimic (arena). In Malaysia, except for the Royal family are generally not wearing yellow mouse. In the various formal occasions, men's dress code in addition to the national costume or suit, wearing a shirt with long sleeves buddy. Badi shirt is a batik cloth made of long-sleeved t-shirt, texture thin and cool, is gradually replacing the traditional Malay dress, a Malaysia "territory". Dining: Malays not eat pork, alcohol. In Malay restaurant to see the table on which there is a big jug, don't think that is pretended teapot, in fact, drinking water inside the water used to wash their hands. General malayi is to eat with your right hand fingers, so before dinner and after dinner-washing is Malay dining table manners. Considerations with : 1, during a visit to the mosque to be dressed, women should not wear exposed the arm or leg dress, gown and headscarf, otherwise it will be turned away. Before entering the tour winding must shoes off. 2, Malaysia left hand is considered unclean, tourists do not touch object in the left hand, but is not required to reach first lady. And Malay greeting, handshake, fed to offer gifts or received from you using the right hand, otherwise they will considered disrespectful behavior. 3, Malay taboo others touch the head, in addition to the teacher or religious ceremony, any person who is not free to touch someone else's head. 4 unavailable, finger, to indicate the direction, but with the thumb; do not leave exposed in front of the soles of the feet, the soles of the feet of others on a person is an insult to the others.
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