
Magazine football charges shit_Scofield

For a problem, my initial judgment is right, now know it, but already late, no regret, just glad he was thinking about the point of view of logic is correct. The thing itself have special rules, mastered them is tantamount to control everything. Find a lot of the electronic version of magazine, although the computer look tired, but the magazine so expensive, there are free, of course, come on, how many people are willing to spend a lot of money each month to read magazines? food or other than buy. Now watching football also charges that the world has changed, perhaps in a foreign country, you can separate each month to buy a HD signal, a year in total, nor how much money, but in China, people not yet guarantee the basic living, spend watching football? a bit ahead, etc. 10 consciousness a few years we'll talk, perhaps more than at that time. Serie a fun Ah, not the same feeling, JUV back in the game more fun, expect strong confrontation.

