
French _ yoyo

Language development: no one language can not subjected to maintain change for thousands of years. These changes can be caused by external forces, or it can be simplified in order to make the language more or other reasons. Egypt language is no exception. The scholars are divided into five broad categories: Egypt language of ancient Egypt (Old Egyptian, 2600 years b.c. to the former in 2000), in Middle Egypt (Middle Egyptian, b.c. from 2000 to the former 1300 years) new Egypt (Late Egyptian, 1300 years b.c. to front 700 years) secular body (Demotic, 7th century b.c. to a.d. 5 years) Coptic language (Coptic, a.d. 4th century-14th century), the oldest Egypt Wensu from 3000 years ago. Ancient Egypt, from the beginning in 2600 b.c., access the about 500 years. Medieval Egypt language by 2100, lasted more than 500 years, new Egypt, began to appear. Secular body, starting at 650 BC, has continued to year 5 years was also used. Coptic language is a dialect of the language of Egypt, as has been Bohraic used Egypt Christian Council, to have been saved. Until 2 years a.d., Coptic language but also in society, but later becomes a ritual use of dead languages. Coptic language in written form is Greek plus some symbol to supplement the Greek some consonants in no time. French French (also known as French) belong to the Indo-European Romance language family, a Romance language family including Central Romance language (French, Italian, brusadin Island (Sardinia) dialect, Catalonia (Catalunya) language, and so on), Western Romance language (Spanish, Portuguese etc) and Eastern Romance language (Romania language, etc.). Is Spain, after the largest Roman language. The present world 87,000,000 as native language, as well as other 190,000,000 use it (including it as a second language). French is a lot of areas or organization's official languages (such as the United Nations, European Union). French is a phonetic language, word meanings are mostly through a combination of roots and affixes to express. This point and we Chinese are clearly different. In addition, the "French" is also used to Buddhism, the Buddha preached by the law, as well as bodhisattvas, Patriarch Dade ' discovery machine language. Table of contents [Hide] historical origin French dialect geographical distribution of international standing French teaching teaching institutions learning method [edit this] historical origin although many people think they are France Gaul (lesgaulois) descendants, but today seems to be only a small number of Celtic influence remains in France people. A lot of vocabulary is derived from the Latin or German language. 4 century a.d., the Roman Empire ruled France, Latin pop in France. To the 5th century a.d., Latin had widely replaced the original passage to France of the Celtic language. In Gaul in the territory of emigration, with Rome, Gaul and the use of common Latin fusion become popular Latin (lelatinvulgaire), at the same time, as the upper Latin letters used by the writing began to decline. The 5th century a.d., the Gaul in the early residents say Latin, and with the great migration into Gaul speaking Germanic language of the Franks of language integration. French start losing unaccented syllables. 6, the 7th century a.d., the popular language becomes a mixed language (unlangagecomposite). The year of the 8th century, Charlemagne established the empire began to make French start normalization. To the 9th century a.d., the Latin and Germanic final integration into a Romance language. From a.d. 939 year beginning French Kapelle dynasty became the official language of France only. The predecessor of the modern French is popular Latin evolved Gaul-Romance language. [Edit this] French dialect, in today's France territory, there are many different dialects, but later the Paris Ile-de-France regional dialect near replaced the other dialects and become French dialect map modern French the official language of the Foundation. And economic development in the South is relatively backward as well as the history of the separated, still exist in many dialects, such as Marco care dialect, upper Languedoc dialect and lower Languedoc dialect, by limuzam dialect, Oras Virginia dialect, nieder Virginia dialect, gask, dialect and Magi. French dialects in addition to the above cited several dialects, French of other major dialects including Walloon dialect (Walloon, mainly in Belgium), pique the dialect, Norman dialect (Normandy), Lorraine dialect (Lorraine), champagne dialect, Anjou dialect (Angerin), Burgundy dialect (Burgundy) French dialect brief: (1) Magi Provence is the European Tan (Occitan language) of a dialect. And Provence language itself can be broken down into: Franco-Provencal language and Langues d'oil. The following highlights some Franco-Provencal language: the language is: Indo-European (Indo-European) Italian family (Italic) Romance language Department (Romance) West Italian branch (Italo-Western) West (Western) Gaul of Ibero Yuzhi (Gallo-Iberian) Gaul Romance language (Gallo-Romance) Gaul richieu (Gallo-Rhaetian) Oil (letters I have two points) in the Southeast (Southeastern) Franco-Provencal; Arpitan number: 113,400 use this language of the country: Italy (ItalY), France (France), Switzerland (Switzerland) to use the language of the region: Valle d'Aosta and Piedmont, Foggia, Franche-Comté, Savoie, Bresse, Bugey, Dombes, Beaujolais, Dauphiné, Lyonnais, Forez, Suisse-Romande official status: this language in Italy (Italy) and the Aosta Valley region is Autonomous. [Edit this] geographical distribution of the French is the first of the following countries: France (60 million people, including Guadeloupe, Martinique and St. Pierre and Miquelon), Canada (6,700,000 users, especially in Quebec, New Brunswick), Belgium (4,000,000 users, Walloon language is the language of a Langued'Oil dialect, and Belgium there are significant differences in the French-speaking), Switzerland (with German (German), Italy (Italian) and Roman text four wengong line) Monaco French Guiana (Guyane & ccedil; fran aise) Haitian French country while French is the main second language: Algeria, Lebanon, Mauritius, Morocco, New Caledonia, reunion and Tunisia. It in the following countries is the official language, is also the only use of the language school: Comoros, the Republic of the Congo, French Polynesia, Gabon and Mali. It in the following countries is the official language, but there is no local language so popular: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Madagascar, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Togo, Vanuatu and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is also in Andorra and Luxembourg is a universal language. In addition, in Egypt, India-Pondicherry (Pondicherry), Italy (Valléed'Aoste), Laos, Mauritania, United Kingdom (chahe Islands, Channel Islands), United States (Acadian, Cajun) and Viet Nam have also some French users. LaFrancophonie is an international French language users and illegal use of State and government organizations. France have their own language is very proud. Colonial period, the British Empire to the English to the colony; in after World War II, the United States continued its strong worldwide dissemination of English, the position of the French continued to decline. France who are discontented, in whatever place to fight the forces of English culture. Nevertheless, the French also varying degrees in all areas affected by the impact of the English language. [Edit this] international status in French because its usage of preciseness, so at the international level, important files are written in French, the United Nations will be the first English as spoken language, French as a first written language. French as one of the six working languages, which are widely used in international social and diplomatic activity in the application, as second only to English, it is not only the official language of France, but also five continents in more than 40 countries and regions in the official language or lingua franca, the francophone population is estimated at around 1.2 billion population. Although the world's francophone population is not much, but the francophone countries is widely distributed, if the language for the purposes of the global distribution area, English is the first language, and French worthy is the second largest French-language! is the United Nations (ONU) and affiliated international organizations, the European Union (EU) and its subordinate bodies, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), international organization of la Francophonie (OIF), the World Trade Organization (OMC), International Federation of Red Cross (CICR), NATO (OTAN) the official language of the international organizations. The International Olympic Committee and French: International Olympic Committee was founded in 1894, the oldest in France Paris, 1915 moved to Lausanne, Switzerland. The International Olympic Committee's Olympic movement's highest authority, in accordance with the Olympic Charter, the leadership of the Olympic movement. It is an international, non-governmental, non-profit organization, the International Olympic Committee plenary meeting, the Executive Committee, the Secretariat and the special committees and other bodies. In 1981, the IOC received recognition by the Federal Council of Switzerland, confirmed as indefinite existence has a legal personality of international organizations. The International Olympic Committee's official language is French and English. FIFA FIFA and French: International Football Federation French: Fédération internationale de footballassociation, FIFA, FIFA Chinese abbreviation FIFA's first headquarters in Paris, France, French quite normal. Now FIFA, the International Olympic Committee's official language is French FIFA was founded in the early days in Paris Saint Honore Street 229, Office, 1932-1954, moved to Switzerland Zurich train station Street, 1954-1977 in Zurich nichts Greek way of "Der Wald Villa", 1977-1979 in Zurich Orozco Street, 1979, 21 may enter new site nichts Greek l1, FIFA building. And many international organizations in the official language is French, because it is very strict. French country or region: first, to French as official languages of the countries are: France France Europe Switzerland Suisse (French, German, English) Belgium Belgique (French and Flemish) Luxembourg Luxembourg Monaco Monaco Côte d'Ivoire in Africa; C & ocirc te d ' Ivoire Chad Tchad Rwanda Rwanda Centrafr AfricanIque Morocco Morocco Togo Togo Gabon Gabon (French, English), Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Mali, Guinée Burkina Faso Congo (people) Congo (Démocratique) Cameroon Cameroun), Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Brasseville) Benin Niger Burundi Benin Niger, Sénégal Djibouti Djibouti Burundi, Senegal, Madagascar, Madagascar Comoros Comores Secher Seychelles North American Canada (Quebec) Canada (Québec) Haiti Haiti Vanuatu Vanuatu II, common French country and region: Tunisia Tunisie Algérie Algeria Morocco Maroc Mauritanie Mauritania Mauritius Maurice Andorre Andorra reunion Guadeloupe Martinique Martinique Réunion French Guiana Guadeloupe, Guyane & ccedil; fran aise French Polynesia Polynésie fran aise & ccedil; New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna Nouvelle Calédonie Wllis-et-Futuna Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon fencing and French: formation of modern fencing equipment is determined by the evolution of ancient cold weapons. 11 century b.c. appeared in ancient Greece, teaches fencing fencing. The middle ages, the Western put fencing as a Knight of one of the seven noble sentiments and fencing duels. During the second half of the 16th century, fencing techniques, compared to emphasize movements and the creation of a hammer and Gill action, with a certain art of color. At the beginning of the 17th century, France was short and the person who makes only light of French sword, speed and skills strong fencing. To the Knights of Saint 1776 France — George prosperity sword ' pull cloth yassiri invented the metal mesh masks, fencing has entered a new era, technique and tactics has been further developed. Therefore, the fencing of the competition rules, the referee terminology are French. Internationally, the fencer Exchange to use French. Fencing in the French terms: 1. Attention s ' il vous pla & icirc; t note 2. Echauffez-vous warm-up 3. Rassemblez en avant forward set 4. Rassemblez en arrière backward set 5. Saluez salute 6. En garde, up potential 7. Retour en garde long after you return to the en garde stings posture 8. En avant garde en charge back after long spines of en garde 9. En garde en arrière long spines on the debt front legs after en garde 10. Marchez forward 11. Rompez back 12. Allongez le bras stretch 13. Fendez-vous long thorns in bow step 14. Demi-fente half step-15. Passe-avant cross forward 16. Passe-arrière cross forward 17. Sautez en avant forward skip 18. Sautez en arrière backward jumps 19. Bond en avant former jump 20. Bond en arrière jumped 21. Balestra Italian legs before jumping 22. Flèche Sprint, fly-23. Pas glissé sliding 24. Une fois a 25. Deux fois twice 26. Deux appels feet twice requested pause 27. Relaxez-vous rest and relax 2 .Technique de la main hand movements (coach term) 1. 2. turn the sword Engagze Changze d ' engagement transform hand sword 3. Première a bit 4. Seconde bipartite-5. Three-digit 6. Tierce Quarte quartile 7. Quinte 5-8. Sixte 6-9. Septime seven-bit 10 Octave 8-11. Attaque attack, attack, 12. Contre attaque counterattack, nixi 13. Parade dial gauge 14. Contre parade backwash retaining 15. Riposte to counterattack16. the riposte Contre counter-riposte 17. Remise and then right-click, and continued the attack 18. Simple simple, pure 19. Composé complex, composite-20. Coup droit straight spines 21. Dégagez transposition, side attacks 22. Contre-side attack dégagez anti-23. Coupez over rival swords tip for-side attacks 24. Battez knock sword attack 25. Une-deux second transposition attack 26. Un-deux-trois three consecutive of transposition attack 27. Feinte feint 28. Dessus-dessous feint upper after tapping the lower action 29. Absence de fer escape the sword, leaving to the sword 30. Prise de fer controlled sword, sword around 31. Liement tapering into yesteryear 32. Croisez twisted sword 33. Enveloppement swing sword attack 34. Angle of attack 35. Excavation Redoublement d ' attaque continuous attack 36. Coup d ' arrêt in pause state, do not touch rival swords made counterattack 37. Coup de temps contact sword attack 38. Attaque au fer come into contact with the opponent sword attack 39. Ecartez l ' arme failure fencing line 40. Combat rapproche close battle to 41. Tactique tactical 42. Deuxième intention to conceal an attempt to attack 43. Temps time 44. Distance from 45. Vitesse speed 46. Cadence rhythm 47. Mouvement action, move the 48. 49. the Coordination coordination Jeu du doigt hand accused of yesteryear 50. Encore again 51. Tête head 52. Figure-53. Flanc torso 54. Ventre abdominal 55. Manchette forearm 56. Pratique libre free sparring .Terminologie du jury verdict three terms 1. Président de jury trial 2. Assesseur judge 3. Arbitre referee 4. Testez! Essayez! test equipment 5. En garde prepare 6. Etes-vous prêt? Are you ready? 7. Oui is (well) 8. Non is not (yet) 9. Allez start 10. Halte stop 11. Règle rule 12. Règlement Ordinance 13. Abstention abstained 14. Non valable invalid 15. En ligne fencing line to sword sharp threats each other effective surface condition 16. Droite touché right hit 17. Gauche touché left hit 18. Coup double both hit 19. L ' attaque est courte attack too brief 20. Pas de touché missed, not 21. Sur la préparation in preparing action 22. Mal paré defensive bad 23. Touche passée thorn slipped 24. Touché par terre hit ground 25. Dehors, sortie de la piste in-bounds, 26. Ligne de mise en garde start line 27. Après cried out before halte stabbed 28. Avancez d ' un mètre forward a meter-29. Reculez d ' un mètre back a meter or 30. Simultaneous Actions simultanées movements 31. Action défensive Defense Action 32. Corps à corps collision, double body touch as 33. Avertissement warning 34. Carton jaune yellow card 35. Carton rouge red 36. Carton noir black cards 37. 38. The Tirage ballot Priorité à droite right priority right to attack 39. Priorité àGauche left of right of priority attack 40. Rendre la priorité priority conversion 41. Un à zero 1:0  42. Deux partout 2:2  43. Cinq à quatre 5:4  44. Une minute de combat last minute four .Termes généraux general terms 1. Escrime fencing 2. Arme weapons 3. Fleuret (fleur) blunt sword, foil 4. Saber Sabre, Sabre, Sabre 5. Epée sharp sword, sword duel, EPEE 6. Lame sword article 7. Masque mask 8. Plastron métallique electric clothes 9. Veste sword served 10 Culotte sword pants-11. Protège-poitrine Huxiong 12. Gants gloves 13. Bas stocking 14. Souliers sneakers 15. Fil de corps fencing used in line 16. Pointe d ' arrêt sword point 17. Boutons sword head 18. Coquille sword e 19. Poignée grip 20. Pommeau Xiphophorus locks 21. Appareil é l e c t r I q u e electric Tribunal for 22. Enrouleur de cable reels, tortoise, 23. Cables to connect the wires of electric Tribunal for 24. Fiche m & acirc; le plug 25. Fiche femelle socket 26. Piste métallique metal fencing site 27. Contr & ocirc; le de l ' arme inspection equipment 28. Lingne d ' avertissement warning line 29. Ligne de mise en garde start line 30. Centre ligne médiane Chuo line 31. Limite arrière bottom line-side line 32. Tireur male sword hand (player) 33. Tireuse female sword hand (player) 34. D.t.directoire technique technology 35. Temps time 36. Individuel's freestyle 37. Equipe team 38. Date date 39. Heures match time 40. The name, team name Pays 41. Nom player name 42. Numéro number 43. Un tour round 44. Match a 45. Poule round robin 46. 47. the Elimination round Barrage win game (a draw after final) 48. V.victoire sheng, 49. D.défaite perhaps 50. TR = Touches re & ccedil; ues losing number 51. TD = Touches données score number 52. PL ranking French 26 letters pronunciation: uppercase/lowercase/phonetic symbols A a b B [a] [be] [se] C c D d [de] [e] E e F f G [ε f] g [Z e] H h [a ∫] Ii [I] J j [Z I] [ka] K k L l M [ε l] m [ε m] N n [ε n] [o] O o P p q Q [pe] [ky] R r [ε: r] S s [ε s] [te] T t U u v V [y] [ve] W w [dubl? ve] X x [iks] Yy [ε g r I k] Z z [z ε d] French 26 letters pronunciation mp3 Edition http://www.fayu.net/30000/mots_media/alpha.mp3 French 26 letters pronunciation Flash version http://gb.chinabroadcast.cn/mmsource/flash/2004/11/08/ia041108005.swf French everyday Bonjour. How do you do. Bonjour. Good afternoon. Bonsoir. Good evening. Bonne nuit. Good night. Au revoir. Good bye. A bient & ocirc; t. look back and see. A tout à l'heure. in a meeting. S'il vous pla & icirc; t. Please. Merci .thanks De rien-you're welcome. Pardon. excuse me/I'm sorry. &Amp; ccedil; a ne fait rien. okay. The word used to ask questionsQui? Who? Quoi? ? Pourquoi? Why? Quand? At what time? Où? ? Comment? ? C'est combien? how much does it cost? Request help Pardon, Monsieur. excuse me, you, Sir. Ms./Mrs. Madame../Ms. Mademoiselle. Li. Parlez-vous anglais? you speak English? Oui Non-Yes.-do not. Je suis désolé (e)-sorry. Je ne parle pas & ccedil; fran ais. I do not speak French. Je ne comprends pas. I do not understand. Digital zéro un deux 0 1 2 3 4 trois quatre cinq sept 5 six 7 huit8 neuf 6 9 11 10 onze dix douze quatorze 14 13 12 treize quinze 15 seize 16 dix-sept17 dix-huit 18 dix-neuf 19 vingt 20 vingt et un 21 vingt-deux 22 vingt-neuf 29 trente quarante 30 40 60 70 cinquante50 soixante et soixante soixante-dix onze 71 73 72 soixante-treize soixante-douze soixante-quatorze 74 76 75 soixante-seize soixante-quinze soixante-dix-sept 77 78 80 soixante-dix-neuf79 quatre-vingts soixante-dix-huit quatre-vingt-un 81 91 90 quatre-vingt-onze quatre-vingt-dix cent 100 cent un cent vingt 101 120 deux cents cents 900 mille1 neuf 200, 000 [edit this] French teaching the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the Olympic Games, World Expo; numerous international bodies have a place in China, numerous facts prove China will become the future of economic power. Therefore, China's foreign language teaching in the future will be an important topic. In economic opening up, China is also an urgent need to bring economic growth of China and the outside world. Establish an effective language learning system is necessary. French, although historical factors and its reputation in the international community, but in China, and real world languages English, French-language development is lagging behind. But we have also noted that in recent years, more and more people are beginning to learn French: many colleges and universities offering French Department, the French Alliance and its competitors private language schools are rapidly expanding, in secondary schools also have a growing number of students in the French as a second language, more people became interested in France culture (film, art, music ... ) The status of French to English in Chinese learning foreign languages in occupies a unique position as middle school students and college students, and even some big or media-sized cities of primary students must learn. At present, China's total 512 universities set up the English Department, offers a variety of English courses. As for other languages, such as followed by Russian and Japanese, 217 and 78 college located in the French and German respectively 62 and 47 University Department. In high school, only a few schools (foreign language) is allowed to open from the first start of foreign language other than English. However, since 1997, Middle French teaching project inception, in 41 of the cooperation between the school project has a total of over 3000 students in French as a second language. In recent years, benefited from France and the diplomatic relations between the good, the French teaching in China has made great progress. The following data:-2000, 700 candidates participating in the National University of the French test, 2004 this figure reached 7000. -In 2000, a total of four French Union; student 3804, 2004 eight French Union of students about 9800. University, in 1700 more public school (China education, Ministry of education, July 2005), set up French 175 courses, of which 62 are opened a French Department, focusing on College 61. University of the French University of French teaching curriculum has two settings: specialty French-language and French as a second foreign. Only in the French Department at the University to offer French courses, learning content is in French, France France culture, literature, and sometimes the business French or other professional French. French major academic University for four years, in two stages. Learning needs to participate at the end of the exit exam, and French writing a thesis in order to obtain a Bachelor of Arts degree in French language. Over the years, China's foreign language teaching is mainly bias in language training, this policy is built on traditional grammar and translation-centric approach. For a long time leading foreign language teaching in this way has also no small influence. Because ordinary teaching methods are no longer adapted to the needs of increasingly clear, language-teaching purposes other than theTo develop the purpose of teaching. More and more people decide to teaching purposes and linked to the employment market, let students in learning the language at the other skills, such as commercial or legal knowledge, China said multi-talent. Therefore the future of language learning will be combined with one or more of the disciplines of learning. French teachers of French teaching is from 700 Chinese teachers and about 200 Chinese colleges and universities pay salaries of foreign teachers share the responsibility of France. According to France diplomatic official statistics, there were more than 55000 learning French. Foreign teachers and diploma, this Chinese school recruitment requirements or high or low. High school recruiting Chinese teachers will have the same phenomenon is not uniform, but this phenomenon is in college. In fact, the secondary schools recruitment only requires a Bachelor's diploma, regardless of the subject. And Professor at the University requires a second foreign language French course in the teacher made the French baccalaureate, Professor professional French need a master's or doctoral degree. Recruit a teacher to review resumes, interviewing and listening to candidate lecture several stages. Compare, 80 to 90 universities offering German language courses, of which more than 50 Department of the German, 800 Chinese teachers and more than 50 foreign teachers in Germany, of which 27 foreign teacher salary paid by the Chinese Embassy in Germany. Germany foreign teacher and not necessarily a professional, because lack of candidates, on the one hand, Germany, the lack of relevant information, on the other hand China academic requirements more stringent. But on the contrary the Chinese teacher you must acquire Chinese German master's or doctoral degree. Spanish, from 300 to obtain a master's or doctoral degree in Chinese teachers and teacher to more than 15 assume teaching. Foreign teachers are professional teachers, employed by the University and pay salaries, grants Spain Embassy.

