
08-09-15 update No.26: Simon Amstell (United Kingdom) + Figure 4 sheets fruits_ningbo coming out of the closet Hall of Fame

Amstell (United Kingdom) + 4 "TITLE =" 09-08-15 updated No.26: Simon Amstell (United Kingdom) + 4 "/> № 26Simon Amstell global visibility ★/national visibility ¡ï ¡ï ¡ï SimonAmstell: [1979/11/29--] United Kingdom famous TV host, comedians. Born in London of a Jewish family GantsHill, he has been United Kingdom Film Academy Award (Oscar for United Kingdom), best TV host Award nomination. In 2007, he also has won the award for breakthrough will age week SouthBankShow. As early as 14 years old, SIMON on stage, 1998 for the first time in television appearances, chaired a stall United Kingdom children's programme of Nickelodeon. 2000-2006, he and MiquitaOliver co-chaired the Channel 4 programme of Popworld. 2005-2007, he year in Edinburgh Fringe Festival in staging. Simon often casually in their works and performances that their own religious beliefs and sexual orientation, in Popworld chaired two months later, he revealed his comrades, and in their own Popworld hosted and NeverMind The Buzzcocks mentioned many times. Amstell (United Kingdom) + 4 "TITLE =" 09-08-15 updated No.26: Simon Amstell (United Kingdom) + 4 "/> Amstell (United Kingdom) + 4" TITLE = "09-08-15 updated No.26: Simon Amstell (United Kingdom) + 4 tickets "/> on SimonAmstell coming out of the closet information English description Amstellwas in Gants Hill born into a Jewish family.His religion andsexuality figure occasionally in his work; Amstell came out asgay two months into his work onPopworld, claiming that no one believed him initially, "so I had tokeep going on about it." His orientation has been referred to bothon Popworld and Never Mind The Buzzcocks, with John Barrowmanchallenging him to a "gay-off" on NMTB. Amstell (United Kingdom) + 4 "TITLE =" 09-08-15 updated No.26: Simon Amstell (United Kingdom) + 4 "/> SimonAmstell

